sneap snare - post processing?

Brady k

Punish Them
hey guys , i was just wondering from those who use this sample , what would you normaly do to it , cause all i have is the superior snare and andy's snare and i can't seem to get the sound i'm looking for, i have heard some good mixes on here with andys snare,

but the sample by itself sounds really raw to me ,

i was just wondering what post processing your are doing to it ??

thanks guys
Normaly I only boost a bit (0,8-1db) around 800Hz. Then I mix ist with my real snare and a hard compressed multisample of my real snare. Then I send em into a mono buss, where I compress em with a boost in the sidechain at 800Hz. A snare plate with a predelay of 20-30ms works pretty nice on it. I use uad plate 140.
Once I cut the original wav into samples, I trimmed down the tails a bit, as I think you can hear a bit more room or snare bottom or something in them. From there I usually EQ out around 800Hz (notch) and boost a little bit of the low mids, and apply a high shelf cutting everything about 8kHz or thereabouts. I use C1 compressor on it prior to the EQ.
Sometimes I'll then run GClip or a limiter, but I don't know if it has ever stayed on through final mix. I have it running to the drum buss where there is some parallel compression and then I send it (aux send) to an FX track for reverb.

My mixes pale in comparison to most here, but here is the latest mix I've done using the sample. It's a demo for my band. I think it's blended in drumagog about 70% sample/30% miked snare tone.