Sno Finaly Melted!!!

Chromatose said:
you peice of crap, its coming down like a mofo here.

stinkin' tranny texans

The snow flakes here are bigger than golf balls. I dont think i will be attending school tmmrw. Once again. Ill end up being in school till July at this rate.
oh and dragon if you stop by later....i'll pm you the url of your avatar once i go and find it again....since i'm so nice:heh:
Real cold here too.

Didn't that damn groundhog say there would be six extra weeks of winter?? THAT BASTARD!!!!!!!!!:flame:
:lol: hmm its freezing here still but we dont have any more snow on the ground just the nearby mountains still coved in the crap.....

np:children of bodom-Bodom beach terror