
Andy, I think you're romanticizing depression. It's a fucking illness, depressive mindset or disposition, blahh, there're reasons to it, a lot of which are physiological.
Andy_2003 said:
i'm really surprised that his dad was done for murder, i knew he'd gone to prison, but i never knew it was for murder, wow

His old man is a notorious gangster, made a fortune out of porn as far as i remember
@Andy García: I don't get that. Psychological programs like you went to a psychologist or studied psychology?
Andy_2003 said:
yeah bambi, i was just reading about that, i didn't know

You should get Ronnies Biography, I really enjoyed it, I remember him saying that he didnt even like winning competitions because he'd have to give interviews and all that after..

Some funny stuff in the book too.
ah yeh, i can relate to that thinking. recently at work, there was this really damn gorgeous girl, was just there temporary, and i wasn't planning to try to chat her up anyway but, she only had to walk past and my mind went crazy. I couldn't even look at her from across the office without thinking I'm acting weird or that she's noticed something about me. most guys could just go and talk to her, but if i did, my mind would be going crazy, thinking all the time about this and that. yet i've held together a close relationship with a girl for over 3 years, i really don't understand how i can be such opposites all in the same day
it's not because you have difficulties with socializing, that you're a mental case, is it? if that were true half the world would have to consider a psycologist...

and snooker tables have this awful color, don't they?
no thats not why bastet, and i wasn't specifically talking about that, look nevermind, i can see your trying to prove everything i say wrong. when did i say i was a mental case, i don't recall that, is that what you're calling me now?
Everybody who's changing their avatar too often and use their own picture is a mental case :yell: :D

But I see Irenke's point, I don't think she's attacking you for the sake of attacking you particularly. That would've been my question too, I mean not even half of the world but the whole fucking population has socializing problems, if that'd be the criterion then we could just go fuck ourselves. But of course I don't mind you considering yourself a "case" :wave:
Maqus said:
Everybody who's changing their avatar too often and use their own picture is a mental case :yell: :D

But I see Irenke's point, I don't think she's attacking you for the sake of attacking you particularly. That would've been my question too, I mean not even half of the world but the whole fucking population has socializing problems, if that'd be the criterion then we could just go fuck ourselves. But of course I don't mind you considering yourself a "case" :wave:
right, maqus!

no, i wasn't attacking you andy. i was merely speaking in general. maybe i should hazve said "it's not because ONE has difficulties...blabla...
and "mental case" was just a way of speaking. actually, if you are a mental case, then i'm one also, cause i have the same socializing problems and some others on top :) (YOU said something about you having psychological problems, remember?)
and it was NOT my intention to prove everything you said was wrong either. i just thought what you were stating was a bit one-sided, that's all...
sorry, i did not want to offend you! peace!
ok, well I just always seem worse, I mean I see guys for example at work, grinning and talking happily to girls like the one I mentioned, whose now left anyway, but maybe they just hide it better than me, but they do seem to talk more. what problems do you have then Irene?