Snorting the White stuff

You should ask someone that's actually addicted to the stuff and I bet they'll give you a real answer that will change your perspective on why you don't understand how it could happen. It can and it does happen. You ever watch Intervention? Even though these people brought it upon themselves, most of them want to be rid of it more than anything else in the world and they can't do it. Some people it takes years of use to become addicted and others it just takes a couple times. You should consider yourself lucky that you're not one of them.

AMEN, kevin. i couldn't understand it myself before. i didn't grow up around addiction/alcoholism and had no clue what it was like until the last few years. it's all about the drugs/booze and *nothing else* matters.

it's still hard to grasp at times.
What was that youtube video of? It says the video is no longer available.

coke is fun every once in awhile. i certainly wouldnt want to feel like that all the time, and tolerance builds up super fast. few times a year max.
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Cocaine (and opiates in general) are addictive because they work on the reward sub-system of your nervous system. A coke addict wants to do coke for the same reasons everyone of us wants to get laid (just the act of sex, ignoring the relationship part). I saw this documentary of national geographic over the summer saying that sex triggers the release of the same chemicals cocaine does. that is why it is so addictive when compared to weed, or mushrooms. it creates a physical dependence in your body. Most heroin and cocaine addicts don't die from an overdoes, but from not getting their fix in time
Cocaine (and opiates in general) are addictive because they work on the reward sub-system of your nervous system. A coke addict wants to do coke for the same reasons everyone of us wants to get laid (just the act of sex, ignoring the relationship part). I saw this documentary of national geographic over the summer saying that sex triggers the release of the same chemicals cocaine does. that is why it is so addictive when compared to weed, or mushrooms. it creates a physical dependence in your body. Most heroin and cocaine addicts don't die from an overdoes, but from not getting their fix in time

this is pure hilarity, not only is cocaine not an opiate, but cocaine is mostly just psychologically addictive, not as much real physical withdrawls as opiates like heroin. also you don't die from not getting your fix, its possible if you were like the most intense heroin addict ever, but it would mostly be from overdoses because of the tollerance building.
actually, cocaine becomes addictive because it alters dopamine levels. or maybe it's something along the lines of nicotine, in that it increases the number of neuron receptiors in your brain and expects them to be filled, thus creating the craving.
also, coke and H addicts die from overdose, usually, because they receive different doses/intensities from different dealers. overdose is almost always a result of ingorance.

death IS possible from withdrawal, occasionally. but it has nothing to do with overdose. delerium tremens? something like that. at least for alcohol.
also, coke and H addicts die from overdose, usually, because they receive different doses/intensities from different dealers. overdose is almost always a result of ingorance.

death IS possible from withdrawal, occasionally. but it has nothing to do with overdose. delerium tremens? something like that. at least for alcohol.

i think thats the case with h but i think a lot of coke addicts would die not only from that, but also from the fact that the strain on your heart from doing it that long would cause heart attacks and also once your tollerance builds too high someone could die just from doing a regular dose and not think about it. i think the toxicity is like 4 g's or something like that.
yeah, there's a possibility with uppers in that respect. they can put a real strain on you heart. but the possibility of tolerance is still there.

either way, dangerous stuff. only indulge if you're a creative mastermind and can produce stuff like staley and mustaine!
my friend was a cokehead for about a year and quit a few months back, he said the first week or two he quit his heart would start to beat like crazy for awhile. yet another reason not to do that shit habitually.