
Sep 14, 2007
Hey fuckers, what is your favorite snus? Mine is Ettan. And also, what do you think of the spreading of snus? good or bad? Some people say it´s bad because of the cancer bullshit but i say that snus saves lives. It has helped numerous people quit smoking after all.
What the hell is snus? :s



Tobacco,very common for hundreds of years in Sweden and since a couple of years also Norway. It´s forbidden in the larger parts of Europe which is a shame.
Tobacco for the working class :)
...^:lol: but dude thats neck like

we know a song about red necks and it sorta goes like this

:yell:I'm a redneck and I don't care

:yell:I eat my Snus just to grow some hair

:yell:I'm a redneck and its O........K YA

:yell:we chew that shit and we spit the shit away

:kickass:yee har, coss I'm a redneck:kickass:....:lol:
I have tried Snus, not my thing. Guess I stick with ciggs (not that I smoke more then maybe once or twice every other week).

Snus is more healthy and alot more convenient though. Almost all of my friends use it. :p

But that pic is kinda wimpy baksnus is the real snus.
that picture is gross... it makes me think of worms and slugs... the worst animals ever, i am sure they were a mistake of mother earth :p