Gothenburg gig, THE NOVEL.


speedy meatmonger
Jun 9, 2002
Gothenburg, Sweden
Visit site

This was basically the best picture I got, due to me not being in the front row. :cry: But ignore that, and let me tell the tale of that awesome night.

Twas evening, and I travelled carrying a large grin, which was the cause of stares and sneers. Once at the destination, myself and my younger in kin, decided to look around. At a totally wrong entrance, we spotted Jim talking about a lesbian party, and stopped him asking where everyone was. Exchanged a few words, then he had to run.
Anyways, teh brother. He was not 18, so it would be a gamble to see if he could get it. He lost. Security was extremely strict, and without ID, there'd be no concert for him.

Alas, we wept, but could not rectify the problem. He decided to try and find a way to break in, while I would explore the building. Once inside, the first person I met was Van. Talked for a few minutes, got my ticket signed, and asked about Jeff and my FOTL magnet. He laughed, and said they would be around. Van was then confronted by two individuals, one who bragged about having braided some dude in Nile's hair. Dunno. Anyways, I took off.

Watched a little of the first band, Mercenary I think. Not bad at all. Tried to get pictures, but realised that my camera did not work well in this environment. Nevertheless, stood around and watched. Stopped by the merch place, and me and this other funny dude struck a deal with the merch guy. If we'd come by right after the NM concert, we'd get promo posters! :eek:
So I was like "woo" and walked off.... into Jim. Awesome guy to talk to.

Then he asked me where one could get snus around here. Wasnt really any nearby stores, so I offered to help him look. So we walked around town looking for snus, or snushunting, as he called it. After obtaining it, we got lost on the way back. Fun and laughs, but it was worrying. But fortune was on our side, we followed some drunk people who were on their way there.

Back there, Jim was gonna try to get down Jeff to sign the magnet, but their concert was bout to begin. And it did.

And was awesome. Ahh, the music was furious, and besides drunk people fighting behind me, I was swooning like no other. Tried to get some pictures, but most of them didnt turn out too well thanks to a spotlight being right at me. And hands.

Setlist was the usual one, except no The Learning. Too little time, or so I heard.

Rocked hard, got my poster, met Jeff, who laughed at the global force of FOTL. Had to show it around. Anyways, got it signed, as well as my ticket, hung around a while more, talked, got a pick from Steve, and of course asked for a pic from the dudes who were around.

All in all, an awesome night. The guys were awesome, both on stage and off. And of course, snushunting was fun too.

Few pictures, sadly to say, most of them didnt turn out too good. :saint:





:zombie: And yes, I cut my hair a few months back. Rather regrow then go bald. :p

*after calming down*

Martin, great review, great pics..... too bad you couldn't get more pics!
Thats really funny Jim was looking for some snus... hahaha
I bet his teeth looked GREAT after that! :tickled:
Good to see you had a good time man!
the phish said:
jeff looks so fed up from doing the same metal horns in the camera...

actually, the story behind that is that the guy that was supposed to take the picture (one of the roadies, I believe), failed at being able to take teh picture. Took him several tries, which would explain that. :err:
Karmic said:
:zombie: And yes, I cut my hair a few months back. Rather regrow then go bald. :p

hey, that's exactly why I cut my hair too! I mean, I look a lot like my dad, so the skull is threatening to start sunbathing.... and a beard to appear... :err:
Karmic said:
actually, the story behind that is that the guy that was supposed to take the picture (one of the roadies, I believe), failed at being able to take teh picture. Took him several tries, which would explain that. :err:

Haha! When some fans took a picture with Van an Jeff, the guy who took the picture failed utterly, too. What makes this so funny is Jeff saying "this seems to happen all the time". You weren't the first nor the last, I guess. :)