back from the nottingham gig

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
ok so yesterday i jumped on a train from london to nottingham for this show. i checked into my hotel and left my shit there and decided id walk to the venu just to see where it is. i found a cool little cd store and picked up the new arcturus album (funny i can find it in nottingham but not london) and i got directions to rock city from the clerk. i left the place and walked about 200 feet and straight past Jim. In my head I said 'that was Jim from Nevermore' and I kept walking. Then 3 seconds later I was like HOLY SHIT THAT WAS JIM! So i turned around and tapped him on the shoulder and asked if it was him...he said yea, and we chatted a bit and I asked him if the other guys were around town. He just pointed over his shoulder and I turned and was face to face with Jeff and Van. I was star struck but recovered pretty fast...I introduced myself and we chatted a bit then we decided to go to a pub for a few drinks. So, there I am, sitting with Jeff Loomis and Van Williams, drinking drinks I got for us all. Jeff had a beer and a shot of whiskey, Van and I had Guiness. Round two was the same for all of us, Jeff another shot and beer and another Guiness for me Van and me. So we shoot the shit about the tour, about playing and what everyones listening to and blah blah. Then Jeff says theyre gonna take off after they finish the beer and invite me to go back and watch the soundcheck...I said nah. haha just kidding, obviously I was like hell yea! So we're back at the venu and we sit down at a table with all the guys from mercenery and dew scented and Van's like 'guys this is Josh, our friend from back home.' and i met all the other guys at the table. It was fucking awesome. Then Van, Jeff and Jim do their soundcheck and Im watching with a huge smile on my face not really believing I was there. After they were done Jeff walked off stage and I was like 'that sounded heavy as hell, man' and he said 'yea? good, good.' So they disappear for a bit after they took me to their dressing room where I put my shit down. Im waiting around hanging out and Jeff comes back out and pats me on the shoulder and leads me to a table where we proceed to have dinner, free of charge with the other bands and crew members/techies.

After dinner they go to their bus to take a pre-show nap. I gave Van the new Arcturus record I had just bought for him to listen to and told him to let me know how it was. Then I just sat around for a bit calling people telling them what the hell was going on and how lucky I was. I see warrel finally come into the club and I got up and went to the bar and talked to him for a bit. He was nice but seemed reserved. I have never talked to him in the past, but I got the feeling he was more introspective with his thoughts/statements that he might have been in the past...maybe choosing his words more carefully....but maybe it was just my imagination since I have nothing to base that on besides a hunch. So, he left to take a piss and go back to the bus and I sat there and waited for the show to start (keep in mind I didnt even have my ticket on me, it was back at my hotel...).

So the doors open and the gig starts. I got up front and Mercenary opened with a cool not too into their music...if they were more aggressive then I think theyd sound a bit better. Then Dew Scented came on stage and destroyed everything....these guys ripped shit up with blazing death/thrash. I like this music because they have an abundence of great riffs in each song.

Then Nevermore came out to a roaring crowd and destroyed us. Jeff played like he was possessed...he was an absolute monster on the guitar with immense ferocity and passion. He looked ready to kill. 30 seconds through the first song he reached out and slapped my five (awesome!). The stage was TINY...I could literally put my hand up and touch the ceiling, Im not kidding...thats how small it was. Van played brutally and Warrel and Jim sounded great...the mix was a bit muddy because the tiny sound and close walls muffled shit....but Jeff, again, was just a fucking maniac and played throught he set by himself with no problems, nailing his solos and crushing everyone with his great riffs. even though steve wasnt there, one cool thing about hearing them with one guitarist is that Jeff's solos are a lot more clear than if they had a second guitarist riffing while Jeff was you could hear him a lot better, which was really cool. after the last song Jeff gave me some picks and flashed me a thumbs up. fucking awesome.

after the show I went to the bus and talked with all the guys again, got my cd from van and took off. all and all it was a day/night ill never forget. thanks jeff and van for hanging out and thanks to the rest of the band for putting on a great show.

now i get to do it all again tonight in London.

the end.

setlist (maybe in order...might be a little screwed up)

precognition (intro from cd, not played)
my acid words (brutal...cant imagine it with steve there too)
this sacrament
river dragon
beyond within
7 tongues
sentient 6
never purify
sound of silence
final product
enemies of reality

(they had the heart collector but crossed it off the list last minute due to time constraints, i think).
FUCK! I was at the nottingham gig too thats crazy you got to meet all of them. The venue was tiny to say the least made me laugh where warrell went to put his fists in the air and smashed em into the ceiling lol
Devy_Metal said:
ok so yesterday i jumped on a train from london to nottingham for this show. i checked into my hotel and left my shit there and decided id walk to the venu just to see where it is. i found a cool little cd store and picked up the new arcturus album (funny i can find it in nottingham but not london) and i got directions to rock city from the clerk. i left the place and walked about 200 feet and straight past Jim. In my head I said 'that was Jim from Nevermore' and I kept walking. Then 3 seconds later I was like HOLY SHIT THAT WAS JIM! So i turned around and tapped him on the shoulder and asked if it was him...he said yea, and we chatted a bit and I asked him if the other guys were around town. He just pointed over his shoulder and I turned and was face to face with Jeff and Van. I was star struck but recovered pretty fast...I introduced myself and we chatted a bit then we decided to go to a pub for a few drinks. So, there I am, sitting with Jeff Loomis and Van Williams, drinking drinks I got for us all. Jeff had a beer and a shot of whiskey, Van and I had Guiness. Round two was the same for all of us, Jeff another shot and beer and another Guiness for me Van and me. So we shoot the shit about the tour, about playing and what everyones listening to and blah blah. Then Jeff says theyre gonna take off after they finish the beer and invite me to go back and watch the soundcheck...I said nah. haha just kidding, obviously I was like hell yea! So we're back at the venu and we sit down at a table with all the guys from mercenery and dew scented and Van's like 'guys this is Josh, our friend from back home.' and i met all the other guys at the table. It was fucking awesome. Then Van, Jeff and Jim do their soundcheck and Im watching with a huge smile on my face not really believing I was there. After they were done Jeff walked off stage and I was like 'that sounded heavy as hell, man' and he said 'yea? good, good.' So they disappear for a bit after they took me to their dressing room where I put my shit down. Im waiting around hanging out and Jeff comes back out and pats me on the shoulder and leads me to a table where we proceed to have dinner, free of charge with the other bands and crew members/techies.

After dinner they go to their bus to take a pre-show nap. I gave Van the new Arcturus record I had just bought for him to listen to and told him to let me know how it was. Then I just sat around for a bit calling people telling them what the hell was going on and how lucky I was. I see warrel finally come into the club and I got up and went to the bar and talked to him for a bit. He was nice but seemed reserved. I have never talked to him in the past, but I got the feeling he was more introspective with his thoughts/statements that he might have been in the past...maybe choosing his words more carefully....but maybe it was just my imagination since I have nothing to base that on besides a hunch. So, he left to take a piss and go back to the bus and I sat there and waited for the show to start (keep in mind I didnt even have my ticket on me, it was back at my hotel...).

So the doors open and the gig starts. I got up front and Mercenary opened with a cool not too into their music...if they were more aggressive then I think theyd sound a bit better. Then Dew Scented came on stage and destroyed everything....these guys ripped shit up with blazing death/thrash. I like this music because they have an abundence of great riffs in each song.

Then Nevermore came out to a roaring crowd and destroyed us. Jeff played like he was possessed...he was an absolute monster on the guitar with immense ferocity and passion. He looked ready to kill. 30 seconds through the first song he reached out and slapped my five (awesome!). The stage was TINY...I could literally put my hand up and touch the ceiling, Im not kidding...thats how small it was. Van played brutally and Warrel and Jim sounded great...the mix was a bit muddy because the tiny sound and close walls muffled shit....but Jeff, again, was just a fucking maniac and played throught he set by himself with no problems, nailing his solos and crushing everyone with his great riffs. even though steve wasnt there, one cool thing about hearing them with one guitarist is that Jeff's solos are a lot more clear than if they had a second guitarist riffing while Jeff was you could hear him a lot better, which was really cool. after the last song Jeff gave me some picks and flashed me a thumbs up. fucking awesome.

after the show I went to the bus and talked with all the guys again, got my cd from van and took off. all and all it was a day/night ill never forget. thanks jeff and van for hanging out and thanks to the rest of the band for putting on a great show.

now i get to do it all again tonight in London.

the end.

setlist (maybe in order...might be a little screwed up)

precognition (intro from cd, not played)
my acid words (brutal...cant imagine it with steve there too)
this sacrament
river dragon
beyond within
7 tongues
sentient 6
never purify
sound of silence
final product
enemies of reality

(they had the heart collector but crossed it off the list last minute due to time constraints, i think).

Wicked story man - im fucking JEA :OMG: LOUS!!
Alright, mate!!

Did you find the food place?

I gots to tell you all this story: Young Mr Metal here gave me one of the plecs that Jeff had given to him, as Jeff didn't have any on him when we were hanging 'round after the gig. Thanks again, dudeski, nice one!!! :rock:

Oh yeah, so much for me being home in 4 hours - I finally got in at half past five!! Am currently feeling like this guy---> :hypno:

Errrrmmm, oh yes, right - the gig... awesome stuff. It was, as has already been pointed out, a tiny, wee stage, with a PA stack at either end. I was stuck on the barrier at the corner, but I could see through a gap between the PA and one of the support columns. I couldn't see Warrel or Jim, but could see Jeff and Van unrestricted, which was great! :tickled: So now I've seen how it's all played, I should be able to work it out, yes?? No!!! hahaha! :OMG: :worship: Warrel sounded happy and the band was tight and heavy as. Only one thing missing...

I missed the first band, but Dew Scented were great, too.

(I think I may have upset Van a little afterwards, 'cos I said "great gig, but not quite The Underworld..." but what I meant was it would be difficult to top The Underworld gig. Hmmm.....sorry Guv, I didn't mean it to sound the way it did)
Excellent. I was there too. I think its such a shitty venue. Never been there before, only upstairs in the main hall and disco 2. I thought there was a poor turnout from the people of the east midlands. But i think the crowd did well to create a good atmosphere (and warrel said so mid set also).

I though Dew Scented played really well and got the crowd going. Its obv they are influenced by slayer dontcha think???

I started off with an excellent view next to the guitar rack at the side, but as soon as it kicked off, i could not hear Jeff or Warrel in the mix, so me and my mate moved to where that fucking annoying caged pillar was. I was really tough seeing the band as the stage is not really that raised. I got glimpses of Jeff shredding, could see Van most of the time and warrel, especially when he was gripping that ceiling pipe a lot. The odd glimpse of Jim also. I remember warrel shouting, "Nottingham, I feel like im trapped in a fucking box!!!" before acid words.

The acoustics were obviously shite due to the low ceiling, but i thought they played extremely well and were one of the tightest bands i have ever seen. In fact I went to the lav midway through never purify and for some reason i could hear warrel BETTER in there! ....and fuck me, i thought they were so fucking LOUD!!! They really put on a great show it sounding amazing despite the venue, just shows you what proffesionals they are, playing like that with enthusiasm, despite poor venue and low turnout.

The highlights for me were:

River Dragon
Final Product
Beyond within
Sentient 6

Mr Loomis is probably the best guitarist i have ever seen live :worship: , he played like a demon and i think in a way as someone above said, you could hear him better without steve, but can you imagine how heavy they would have been WITH steve???

I went into rock city for the club afterwards and towards the end, I saw Jeff walking around with Andy Sneap and then Van walked in with Dew Scented in disco 2 while raining blood was being played by the dj. I went up to Van and shook his hand and praised his and the bands performance i think i told him he was like "a fucking machine" (ie his drumming was so precise), he was appreciative but seemed a bit disappointed in a little way, i think it might have been the numbers at the gig, thinking about it, they have just been on Gigantour which pulls in 8000-9000 so it must have been a little off-putting. I said i thought it was a shame they didnt get more coming to see them that night and that they deserved more recognition, hoped that it wouldn't put them off coming to the uk again (he thankfully said "no way") and wished him the very best of luck for London scala. He thanked me again and shook my hand again and i left him be.

It was my first time seeing them and will definately go again. Hopefully i will get to see them at a better venue next time.
Kir-ir-Bannog said:
Excellent. I was there too. I think its such a shitty venue. Never been there before, only upstairs in the main hall and disco 2. I thought there was a poor turnout from the people of the east midlands. But i think the crowd did well to create a good atmosphere (and warrel said so mid set also).

I though Dew Scented played really well and got the crowd going. Its obv they are influenced by slayer dontcha think???

I started off with an excellent view next to the guitar rack at the side, but as soon as it kicked off, i could not hear Jeff or Warrel in the mix, so me and my mate moved to where that fucking annoying caged pillar was. I was really tough seeing the band as the stage is not really that raised. I got glimpses of Jeff shredding, could see Van most of the time and warrel, especially when he was gripping that ceiling pipe a lot. The odd glimpse of Jim also. I remember warrel shouting, "Nottingham, I feel like im trapped in a fucking box!!!" before acid words.

The acoustics were obviously shite due to the low ceiling, but i thought they played extremely well and were one of the tightest bands i have ever seen. In fact I went to the lav midway through never purify and for some reason i could hear warrel BETTER in there! ....and fuck me, i thought they were so fucking LOUD!!! They really put on a great show it sounding amazing despite the venue, just shows you what proffesionals they are, playing like that with enthusiasm, despite poor venue and low turnout.

The highlights for me were:

River Dragon
Final Product
Beyond within
Sentient 6

Mr Loomis is probably the best guitarist i have ever seen live :worship: , he played like a demon and i think in a way as someone above said, you could hear him better without steve, but can you imagine how heavy they would have been WITH steve???

I went into rock city for the club afterwards and towards the end, I saw Jeff walking around with Andy Sneap and then Van walked in with Dew Scented in disco 2 while raining blood was being played by the dj. I went up to Van and shook his hand and praised his and the bands performance i think i told him he was like "a fucking machine" (ie his drumming was so precise), he was appreciative but seemed a bit disappointed in a little way, i think it might have been the numbers at the gig, thinking about it, they have just been on Gigantour which pulls in 8000-9000 so it must have been a little off-putting. I said i thought it was a shame they didnt get more coming to see them that night and that they deserved more recognition, hoped that it wouldn't put them off coming to the uk again (he thankfully said "no way") and wished him the very best of luck for London scala. He thanked me again and shook my hand again and i left him be.

It was my first time seeing them and will definately go again. Hopefully i will get to see them at a better venue next time.

Yeah, the Rig is a fucking joke! JBs in Dudley had a much better sound, and obviously a much better stage (with lights that come in colours other than red...), but the crowd was less enthusiastic. I wonder if they'd have had a better turnout with just one Midlands show. Anyhoo, I just hope they never play the Rig again - I'll certainly think twice about seeing a band there again.
one person tells 12...
bad things are bad it gets around....
yeah and did they sell the t-shirts
cool shit, i thank you devy with your diary stuff, can you conitue it on with london, etc...your writing is awesome, so truefully...which i find is lacking in so many manyways in this world
I have some pretty good pics from the nottigham gig i was right at the front for the whole show. Mercenary were a pretty kool band only got 4 songs though and the keyboard player wasmore bothered with his hair then what he was playing lol. Dew-Scented destroyed there killer especially the older stuff. The rig is a complete shit hole the ceiling was literally 8foot high.

got a few pics i will have to post at one point.