So a guy came into my studio today on his own.......

Nice tune indeed, but whole thing sounds mono-ish. Especially with synth parts. I don't know if that was the purpose, but the vocal is a bit buried sometimes. I like the guitar and bass tones! Bass sounds massive :D
Thanks guys.

The mono-ness comes from the reason synths.
I tried some Kontakt sounds but he preferred the original ones.
Probably just used to them and he played the parts with them so the attack and release times etc dictated the performance.
I used different amps for left, right and centre to try and spread the width a bit.
I think it's ok. The track didn't call for super separation. Wanted it to be really glued and massive as a unit.

The glue comes from mixing on my A&H Zed-R16 into Drawmer 1968me bus compressor with medium attack and auto release hitting about 5db of compression.
Never heard a plugin compressor that comes close.

If you like it please comment on youtube.
It's the first time he has done anything on his own.
He plays bass in a band I did an album for and wasn't really sure if it would turn out good.
I don't know if I'm biased because of lots of personal problems with SSD, but to me it seems that the snare is a bit buried and lacking punch. Nice mix though :headbang:
Bit daylight dies ish.
Which ssd sample on kick/snare?

I partially replaced them with a mix of Gojira and Lamb of God samples.
Think it was the dry metal kit in SSD.

I really didn't want the snare to jump out of the mix.
Wanted the mix to be a wall of sound rather than dynamic.