so azal...

seriously though, there really is nothing to much say.

we didn't interact all that much.

she wasn't morbidly obese, she didn't have lobster hands and she had a nice smile.

I was a little stoned to, so...
actually I think those two broads were kinda attract physically.
well I'm not really into the red leather pants and bullet belt and stuff, but they looked ok.

they were just sloppy drunk and annoying and needed to be kicked in the ribs.
Metal fans as a group tend to be among the less-attractive members of the species it seems. From looking at the other people at any of the shows I've been to, I can definitely say that I was the best looking guy there. Maybe that's because I'm (relatively) clean-cut looking and am obsessive about my teeth and have lady-killer eyes.
You're almost right about the hair, except that I don't use gel (makes my hair too gross feeling). But yeah, I really don't have much of the "metal look" except maybe for my sideburns. Even those have been radically toned down the past few years. I'm becoming so damn conservative in my old age.