So, does anyone know, specifically, what happened with Chaoswave?

Hi Boob, and thanks for asking... I hope you managed to buy the Chaoswave CD at the merch stand, and that you are enjoying it!

Yup, it's great! I'm enjoying the shirt I bought, too. It's soft and fuzzy against my skin. :) I hope Marco is recovering well... I guess in a way, it's a lucky thing you guys didn't make it here, because maybe he would have had a heart attack on stage, or something.

Rob, Chris and John have been great in spite of the shitty situation: Raphael and the friends that were travelling with us were treated like kings, and CRJ really did all they could to ease things up for them, even though they had a shitload of other more important things to take care of.

This just proves what a class act Powerfest is... CR&J went to great lengths to help out even the bands who DIDN'T play. ;) Hope to see Chaoswave here soon!
It's really not a matter of bands being singled out - it's just the nature of the immigration process. Visas have long been a requirement in many countries, whether they be visitor/tourist visas or work permits etc. The process is profession agnostic - it's just that entertainers have higher profiles and therefore web searches can be done to find out whether or not the correct procedure has been followed, or not, and, as they say, loose lips...

yeabut... yeabut... I don't remember the problem being this widespread before 9/11... or, for that matter, more than a few years ago. It seems like it's happening a hell of a lot more now than it ever did. Suspicious.
After 9/11 everything changed on the immigration/border security front. The INS was dissolved and replaced by the CIS, a part of Homeland Security. Since then everything has been under much more scrutiny. Considering the gravity of 9/11 that doesn't surprise me one bit.
they should come up with a musicians permit. :lol:

Or, at least, an artists' or performers' permit of some kind, or something cheaper/easier to get for "workers" who aren't planning on being here for a long time. It's not like Chaoswave were coming here to work long-term... they were coming for 45 minutes of work, and a few days of vacation. In our stupid government's eyes, it's all the same.
They have one. Its just that it still takes a while, is timely, and doesn't necessarily apply to all musicians/artists.