So farewell to Steve Scott........

Well this culminates a fairly bad week. I'll say good luck to you Steve (Even though this news upsets me), being happy is an important part of life - so if that's in NZ, then i guess that's where you should be. I'm just bummed i never got to see you perform with PQ.
Thanks for the awesome bass lines you provided in PQ, whoever comes next has BIG shoes to fill

Metal on :headbang:

This demands something to make up for it (nothing could but...) - release the Can I Play With Madness cover, or the other 6 songs meant to be on MoI on EP, or another album or more UK tour dates!

Something to make things more cheerful :(

^^ YES, could we have a farwell to Steve with the Tragedy Suite? :saint:

And who said Headhunt Mika?? Why steal the basist off another of my fav bands??
Hahaha, never leaving the Tragedy Suite alone. Love it.
I was thinking of getting the guy from the Tour of Illusion, I think he was from Mercury Rain or something.


PQ need a full-time bass player who is gonna push the band forward. I really enjoyed playing the shows, and it was a lot of fun, but I ain't the guy for the job - I have too much else going on. Plus I don't have the hair for this particular mission...
Personally, I think it'd be better if they get a new guy who isn't too well known but can really let loose on bass. Some guy who's looking to break into the professional world. But that's just what I like to see bands do, myself. :lol:
I think that PQ would benefit from someone in the UK, maybe around 30. I don't think that the guys will rush this, as it can easily ruin a band whn you get one 'bad apple'.

Steve Harris is only 22 years off then...(Hint: He's not 8)...He'll do fine :lol:

But yeah, one bad member could easily turn the whole band upside down.

HEY! Don't take the God's name in vain ;)
