I dunno. I mean, I'm stoked about a new epic Swano track, but labelling it as Edge of Sanity seems kind of misleading to me. I mean, Swano was the key member of the band, but he WAS only one member. When I heard that there was going to be a new EOS album, a sequel to "Crimson" no less, I figured it to be an EOS reunion, which would be great. Now, it appears to be a band by comittee, with Dan doing most everything. Basically, a Swano solo album labelled as Edge of Sanity. That doesn't really seem fair to the other members of the band to me. A band is a cohesive unit, not an individual. Edge of Sanity had four members. This seems to be the equivalent of Roger Waters releasing an album under the Pink Floyd moniker, but without any of the other members of Floyd.