EOS live?


German Scum
Feb 17, 2007
hey !

maybe its a noob-question. but i want to ask it :)

dan, have you ever ben asked by some festival or something to perform with edge of sanity (maybe reunion)? maybe wacken, hellfest ... whatever? or do you have plans to perform live with edge of sanity (not nightingale :))? i know, you said that, eos is _dead_. but hey .. who knows? and if you dont want to play live as eos ... why not? just one gig or something^^ the fans would die to see this, including me. it would be very epic ...

thats my little question actually ...

remember the contribution thread from a week ago? i would pay 100 euros to see dan do crimsons live. heck, i'd pay 200 euros! not gonna happen though :D
Dan needs to recruit Mikael Akerfeldt to handle the lead vocals (while Dan handles the backing/guest roles due to his difficulty performing harsh vocals live for an extended period of time) and also getting ahold of any of the EoS guys he can to perform Crimson I and II back to back live and record the whole thing for a DVD.
Yeah, Peter on CII would have been amazing, it's cool the way it is now, but Peter is my favorite death metal vocalist!
i think mike is better ;) but its a matter of taste imo ...
but noone can reach peter when he screams like damn monster :P that sounds soo brutal^^
Dan needs to recruit Mikael Akerfeldt to handle the lead vocals (while Dan handles the backing/guest roles due to his difficulty performing harsh vocals live for an extended period of time) and also getting ahold of any of the EoS guys he can to perform Crimson I and II back to back live and record the whole thing for a DVD.

No need for Mikael Akerfeldt, he is already in too much stuff, he doesn't need to be the singer on everyones album. It would be great to hear a new EOS album, still have hope in Dan to bring something fresh and unique to the death metal scene.
What are the chances of a reunion tour/live album/DVD actually happening? It sounds like all the guys are doing fairly well short of Sami and I'm sure one of the more prominent metal labels would likely jump on the opportunity to get the rights to such a release.
Of course it would be awsome to see them live. Are there any bootlegs out there of EOS live? I keep on going on youtube hoping to see something...anything.
i just uploaded some songs to the darkprints ftp.

black tears, dead, everlasting, human aberration, immortal souls, incipience to the butchery, interview for headbangers ball, losing myself, maze of existence, the dead.
