So, How is IM's Dance of Death


Black Belt in Sarcasm
May 2, 2002
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I've seen 5 or 6 people that bought the new Iron Maiden CD, "Dance of Death." How is it? Does it sound like the last album?

FWIW, I liked Brave New World.

Sounds nothing like it really, but it's damn good. It should be out today if you didn't pick ip up at PP. It's also copy-protected (don't know how that works on music discs) so you might not find any pirate copies to download, besides, you wouldn't really want to do that would you? :)
The songs and their structures don't sound like much of the BNW material (which I love) to me, but it is classic Maiden!!! And that works for me! I've only listened to it through twice so far and I think it kics ass. I love Maiden's sound and can't wait for THIS tour! :)

The album is typical Maiden, but I think several songs have that "I have heard that before" feeling. They still make quality music, but they have not been able to return to their glory form (1980-88). Solid album, but nothing ground-breaking IMO.
I absolutely love it! A quality disc indeed, and definately worth the money (then again it was decently priced at PP)...

I think it's weird that it's copy-protected (is that really true? It did install and open on strange player on my computer but not on my boyfriend's.) There were all kinds of people who downloaded the entire disc early, plus Bruce has been said to encourage fans to share the music through downloading... *shrugs*
I agree that there are quite a few moments that seem lifted from past records, but given Steve's disposition, that is to be expected...I'm getting mixed reactions when listening to it...there is a good amount of solid Maiden, but a few songs that sound either confused or uninspiring...
I like it too. It's less polished than BNW but more energetic. I almost want to say it sounds like shades of their more energetic 80s era planted on top of the general vibe from the Blaze era, if that makes sense. and once again (3 albums in a row now), the last track is by far the weakest.
