OT: Iron Maiden - "Dance Of Death" NEW CD

wildest dreams SUCKS. it really stands out like a sore thumb on the album and i feel doesn't fit the mood at all.

as for the rest, it's an OK record. it has a couple of moments of pure inspiration but apart from that it sounds like music/maiden by numbers, nothing special. a little forced.

nowhere near as good as SSOASS or SIT.

also, they now have 3 guitarists so why does there seem to be less solos than before?? i was expecting some serious guitar solos...the solos are nothing that great.

plus i think bruce doesn't sound as good as on other records.

i'll give it a 6/10, not a very inspired record.

£8.99 delivered from play.com- can't get any cheaper than that!!!
Okay, those of you who have heard both:
Which is better? Brave New World or Dance Of Death????????
Fucking Best Buy! I went out to get the disc and the fuckers didn't have it (but they do have racks upon racks of Nelly). They didn't even list it as being a new release this week. I guess i should probably drive away from the city and not go to a ghetto best buy.
remington69 said:
Fucking Best Buy! I went out to get the disc and the fuckers didn't have it (but they do have racks upon racks of Nelly). They didn't even list it as being a new release this week. I guess i should probably drive away from the city and not go to a ghetto best buy.

I saw a commercial for this album last night, I think it was on TNN...I'm not sure. But at the end of it, they had the little Best Buy logo on the screen saying you could buy it there. So much for advertising. :erk:
I'd say DOD is better. BNW is a bit crisper in production as far as tones, but DOD rules with the dramatic melodies and harmonies. The title track is an instant classic, as is Paschendale.

I hope they stay true that press release a few months ago and keep releasing an album every year or two. I think they are starting to get the triple guitar attack down on record as far as writing stong pieces.
I also like how the lyrics are open for interpretation... they don't shove September 11th references down our throats, but it can be interpreted in songs like Rainmaker, Face in the Sand, Age of Innocence, etc.
I saw the commercial bRaT mentioned TWICE last night during Headbanger's Ball. "'Dance Of Death' Available now at Best Buy!" NOT.
I guess I'll get it online...
How many of you thinks the "dance of death" album cover looks good? Not me. It's the worst maiden album cover ever. I don't like the polygon dog and where the hell is eddie? Fucking computer animation.
was listening to it on my headphones last night- bruce sounds FLAT in places, and struggling to reach the notes. it's as if you can hear him straining to project his voice.