So, how is the Pre-party

Mephistopheles said:
To go to the preparty you only need to pay whatever cover charge the place is charging. I think last year it was like $6 or $7 or something.

It was $12.00.
Pre-party is a place where everyone shows off their concert t-s and get to meet fellow proggers. Fun, but long night....
The PP4 pre-party was worth it, just for the music itself. Meeting people is a bonus!

Which brings up a somewhat awkward point... I kinda liked the Riviera Club even more than the Earthlink. (I realize PP5 Preparty is somewhere else.) It was nice to NOT have to leave the room and music when it was time for another beer. Just step over to the bar, buy beer, step back and resume headbanging to 2112. :kickass:

Compare that to Earthlink, where you have to turn away from the music, leave the room through a door and barely hear it muffled in the background, work your way through the crowded vendor area, eventually find where they're sellin' beer. Then carry it back through crowded vendor area, where people are bumping into you. Spill a bit in this crowd here, spill a bit on the stairs there, miss half a song. Bah. Screw that. Drinking at the Earthlink is a downer. Thus the pre-party is The Place to get your buzz on, along with great music too.
The Pre-party is great because it often gives me a first glimpse at seeing my friends that I haven't seen in a year!!!!!
PowerFreak said:
And you get to see the gloriousness known as Zilla and, let's face it, who doesn't want to experience that! :Smokedev:


Ok, now you are beginning to spook me (big laugh)! I expect you to use the famous Yngwie Malmsteen line of "you've unleashed the f@cking fury" next...

Hey Dudes.............
Everybody better show up to the pre-party, because sept. 16th is my birthday!!!! I'm planning on celebrating!!!

Smiley :rock:
PRYMARYSmiley said:
Hey Dudes.............
Everybody better show up to the pre-party, because sept. 16th is my birthday!!!! I'm planning on celebrating!!!

Smiley :rock:
Is this Smiley ... like as in ... we ate that nasty Chinese food and you made me use chop sticks Smiley?
MeTuLHeD said:
Ahhhh. Once again, the plot THICKENS! The mystery of who will play the Pre-Party grows ever deeper. I call it: "THE INCREDIBLE SHIFTING LINEUP". Heheheheh. Hey Shawn...who's next...Ozzy? [evil cackle]
Halcyon Way is not a shift. They were in the original press release. This is nothing new.

Se7enChurches said:
um, not that i recall. we got to go in early, but we still had to pay. unless i seriously missed something and didn't know we could get in free, which i don't think was the case.


Nope it wasn't free. I paid $24 bucks for me and the wife to get in. I had a gold badge. I'll be there again this year though.
