So I found this interesting coincidence...


Aug 1, 2002
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And I usually hate people who take the time to examine different songs by different bands (a prog-nerd thing for the most part) and find similarities (or, in some cases, a blatant ripoff lol). I was listening to the new Solution .45 album and I was pretty surprised to hear a certain opening riff on the song Through Night Kingdomed Gates.

After about 30 seconds, I realized this sounded somewhat familiar:

I know that in most cases it ends up being pure coincidence, and I'm pretty sure this may be the case here. But I couldn't believe it! :lol:
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In other news, toast is bread!
Every time I hear DSO's "Heroines", I get a short whiff (?riff?) of the Scorpions' "We'll Burn the Sky". But then it passes, and I end up blissfully happy that both tastes are in my ear.

Kind of like biting into a mango and getting a hint of butterscotch. Two nice flavors, with just hints of one another, and in most respects totally unique.
Every time I hear DSO's "Heroines", I get a short whiff (?riff?) of the Scorpions' "We'll Burn the Sky". But then it passes, and I end up blissfully happy that both tastes are in my ear.

Kind of like biting into a mango and getting a hint of butterscotch. Two nice flavors, with just hints of one another, and in most respects totally unique.

Same here. Don't get me wrong, I think the Solution .45 release is fantastic. And if you re-read my post, I didn't imply nor did I accuse them of copying Evergrey. The songs are completely distinct and both awesome. I just found it so interesting how the intro is virtually equal.

Additionally, if you actually listen to the clips I posted, it goes way beyond just a "short whiff." This is more like you're biting into a pure, 100% angus burger and getting a hint of beef.

Plus, where the hell did you get butterscotch out of a mango? :lol:
one of the worst i've heard was Richard Anderson's Space Odyssey's song 'Obsession' From "Tears of the Sun. Just play that, then listen to Anno Mundi from TYR lol.
great now that Solution .45 sounds like evergrey to me I have to buy their cd
I always note similarities between riffs and melodies from different bands, but it usually doesn't bother me even when I notice them. I figure as long as metal/hard rock exists in the paradigm that it has for its whole existence, this will continue. Most of the time I am willing to believe it's coincidence. The only time it seems superfluous is when the pattern/format of a whole song is copied.
one of the worst i've heard was Richard Anderson's Space Odyssey's song 'Obsession' From "Tears of the Sun. Just play that, then listen to Anno Mundi from TYR lol.

Aren't all Space Odyssey songs supposed to be a tribute to some "wellknown" other song? I thought Richard's plan with those Space Odyssey albums was to steal from SX, Malmsteen, Ayreon and others and put 'em all together as his own little tribute :)

(just kiddin' of course)
