Another interesting thought.....

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
I was just listening to the new Emperor on headphones for the first time, and aside from concluding that it is one of the most compex, innovative, and overall greatest albums of all time, I managed to note another interesting point.

It is odd how the first release by Emperor was a split CD with enslaved, and from what I can discern, they sound similar on that album. And after truly digesting the true essence of Prometheus, I have realized that this last emperor album sounds like it could be enslaved's next album!!! The two started off together, and to me, they have followed different paths, only to end up at the same destination in 2001. So, it begs the question, is this really emperor's last album (which as I have said before, I doubt), is this enslaved's last album, or is it all a weird coincidence, or am I just a crazy fool??? Well, only time shall tell.

But Prometheus rules!!!