So i got a Royer R-121.... 5150 clips


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
So i got a Royer R-121 the other day and ive been trying it out for it came with a full refund policy, that i can use at anytime it said.

Anyways, Ive been messing around with mic placements and what not.

Here are a few clips, tell me what you think. BTW, disregard the drums, i know they are not up to par.

1. This clip is a clip of just the R-121 about a foot from the cab, right on the cone.

2. This clip is a clip of the R-121 with the SM57 added, they are about 4 inches from the grill.

3. This clip is without drums and its the R-121 and the SM57 about 7-8 inches from the grill
^ yep,

My chain is, Ibanez S1625tks - TS9 - ISP decimator - 5150 EVH - Marshall 1960 BV (v-30) - mic'ed with the R-121 and SM57 - Presonus firebox - cubase LE

Which clip was the preferred?
Hmm, pretty cool FFaudio - the whole mix sounds kinda muffled, and the guitars a little distant, but the tone has a lotta potential. Can't say I like the "HxC lolzers" music too much, and the snare sounds very muffled and lo-fi (and not damped :ill:), but keep up the good work man!
Hmm, pretty cool FFaudio - the whole mix sounds kinda muffled, and the guitars a little distant, but the tone has a lotta potential. Can't say I like the "HxC lolzers" music too much, and the snare sounds very muffled and lo-fi (and not damped :ill:), but keep up the good work man!

It's not actually mixed. We just tracked the vocals and bass over the weekend.