So I got The Mind's I...


Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
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Its my first Dark Tranquility album, and I must say, its very interesting. I've heard great things about DT for a long time but I've hardly actually heard much of DT's music. I have no idea whether this album was the right place to start, but I just got it anyway. *shrugs* I think the main draw was Insanities Crescendo, which I've heard before, and thought it was simply one of the best songs in existence (still think that :cool: ).

Well I haven't fully digested the CD yet, and I'm not sure whether I like it or not, but I gotta give it time. I am a big fan of pretty much all of In Flames work (unfortunately including RtR :rolleyes: ) so it shouldn't take too long before I'm hungering for more DT!:)

Did I start in the right place with The Mind's I? What do all of you esteemed fans think of this one in relation to all the others?
since i got it, i've always thought it was the worst dark tranquillity album (but still a great one, of course :cool: ), because there were many songs that didn't catch me (Dreamlore Degenerate, Constant, Tongues...), but in this weeks i'm giving many listens to it and my consideration towards this album is growing constantly. anyway, Insanity's Crescendo is the best dark tranquillity song. :grin:

Hmmm, most everywhere I browse are people slagging off RtR left and right and the people who like it...can't help but feel like its some kind of dark character flaw that I think its pretty good, though its no Whoracle...hehe.

I've listened to Mind's I a bit more and no songs except Insanities Crescendo stick out to me. Maybe its one of those albums that take ages to get into...I'm keen on looking into DD and The Gallery though, I've heard Punish My Heaven and I think it fucking rocks!
It did take me AGES to get into... it was my second DT album, after Haven, and it's still my favorite. Hedon is by far my favorite DT song, and Constant, Zodijackyl Light, Atom Heart, Tongues, and Insanity's Crescendo are all must-have's for me. I even fell in love with Shadowlit Facade and Razorfever, bonus tracks though they were. But truthfully, it takes a LOT of listening to really get into it. After that, its more one of those albums you put on once every month or two just to say "Holy shit! I forgot how good this is!"

At first i thought i didn't like ti that much, but when i listened to it carefully, song by song, actually paying attnetion to it, i realised i liked almost all songs, except maybe one or two.
Definitely one of my favourites. :)
Zodijackyl Light, Hedon, Insanity's Crescendo, Scythe, Rage and Roses... with classics like that you can't go wrong.
I can't get into it.. it was the most recent DT album I've gotten though, so I'll give it time.
Originally posted by Ormir
Zodijackyl Light, Hedon, Insanity's Crescendo, Scythe, Rage and Roses... with classics like that you can't go wrong.

Amen, Brother Ormir, Amen!

Was my second album I got, The Gallery was the first, of course thanks to the fucking ASSHOLES at Osmose I couldn't listen to it (ok, it might have been due to my shitty ass CD-player at the time), so I actually heard it aften Haven.

Yes, I hate Osmose I wish they would die or all the great bands they have decided to leave, they add that copy protection shit to everything they produce, fucking greedy ass dumb bitches.

Um, yeah, I hate them just a bit :grin:

Speaking of great bands at Osmose.
@Salmiakki: I couldn't play The Gallery either because of those Osmose fuckers. My copy of TMI fortunately wasn't corrupted (read: copy-protected) despite buying it later than The Gallery...

Oh yes, I forgot to mention Tidal Tantrum! That song is... beautiful. Somehow it's much more personal than Lethe.

Originally posted by Ormir
@Salmiakki: I couldn't play The Gallery either because of those Osmose fuckers. My copy of TMI fortunately wasn't corrupted (read: copy-protected) despite buying it later than The Gallery...

I am not sure if my TMI was either, I think it was the heavy paint cover and the fact that I had an old and shitty portable player at the time. I just like to get on Osmoses case whenever possible, since I think their tactics suck and so do other people too, as you can figure from this thread I just started, check it out:
Interestingly enough, I think that every album that DT have made needs a lot of time to get into. Apart from the Gallery perhaps, and definitely DD.

The Minds I is rather different from Gallery and at the time, when I first listened to it I expected something else. Songs were really shorter and with a simpler structure than Gallery's. It is really the most in your face DT album I think. Definitely the best Stanne vocals too. After a bit you will see that you will just begin to appreciate for what it really is.

I would also agree that Insanity's Crescendo is one of the best if not THE best DT song. In fact this is one thing I miss from Haven and DD, some cool female vox.

Projector I think was even more difficult to get into. On first listen, it sounded a bit flat and the clean vocals were really alienating. With time, my impression is that it maybe is the most "intellectual" CD of DT, and the depth and layers in the guitars is phenomenal after all!

To cut the long story short, give TMI a few more spins, and you will find yourself rushing to the nearest store to get the full DT discography :rock:
It took not very long until i got into TMI. When it were released i listened to it and it made "klick". I never heard such intensive melodic-death before. For me it was definitely something new. I heard much death at this time but DT was different and is 'till now.
The best song on TMI is Dreamlore Degenerate....eehh....and all the other songs. They all kill - fast, intensive, melodic and mikael's great voice. He can transport energy very good with his voice.

I have the complete discography of DT and every album is good, but the albums after gallery are all killer.
I look forward to see one of the best (live-)band ever on 2th dec..................yeeeeeeeeessssssss.
The first DT song I ever had the chance to listen to was "Scythe, Rage & Roses". Heh.. no comments. This song is so At The Gates-ish... makes you bang your head off.. I just fell in love with it.

I got the whole DT discography soon afterwards (within about 4 weeks), starting from The Mind's I. I think it's DT's most straight-forward kick-ass death metal album. It's still my favourite (and Crescendo my favourite DT track), although I think The Gallery is their finest piece of work...