Just purchased "The Mind's I"


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
On my way to completing my DT collection. I own all their albums except for SkyDancer/Choas-Eternal Night and Projector.

Given that information, before I listen to it, what am I to expect from The Mind's I? Should I expect a cross between The Gallery and later albums?
just listen to it and don't think about it before u have carefully listened to it for 5-10 times... there's nothing scientific you can expect from an album, it's something really personal I guess.. just listen to it :)
I just listened to it last night.

holy crap

that was fucking incredible. A perfect mix between The Gallery and later albums as I expected. Pure genious.

Now, Projector. I've been hesitant to buy this album because my preconception is that it's weaker than the rest of the albums. Please state your reasons why I'm wrong.
I don't have Projector either, but that's only because I can't find it :) One of the reason's "The Minds I" is my favorite from them right now is the production. It's spot on. I especially love the latter half of the album, including Atom Heart 243.5 (or whatever the number is) and Tongues. Insanity's Cresecendo is pure gold, too.
For some reason I dislike The mind's I as a whole. Zodijackyl light, Hedon, Insanity's crescendo, Tidal tantrum, The mind's eye.. I love them as individual songs but all of them together make one of my least favourite dt albums. :erk:

Anyway, definitely get the Projector, it's my favourite right next to The gallery.
Zack: It's 243.5. Someone brilliant told me that it's the atomic weight of plutonium, and she's right. :)

Zephyrus: I'd skip tracks 2, 4 and 6 (and maybe just listen to Atom once or twice[/i] and turn the volume up on Tidal tantrum, Tongues and Constant and turn the volume to full power (it's worth it even if you break the speakers, believe me), close my eyes and pay 100% attention to Insanity's.
Ah, yes, I see :) I forgot to mention just how brilliant Tidal Tantrum is. Great song. Oh, by the way, I got an Ipod video. I don't even wanna begin to explain just how random it can be :grin:
Zephyrus said:
Now, Projector. I've been hesitant to buy this album because my preconception is that it's weaker than the rest of the albums. Please state your reasons why I'm wrong.

I'm in a hurry, but here's a few words about Projector: It is different. Very experimental and far less aggressive than any other DT album, with lots of mellow, melodic parts and clean singing. It might take a while to get used to for someone who enjoys the brutal side (especially The Mind's I) of DT more, but if you can also appreciate the tranquil aspect, Projector is certainly worth getting.

Don't get me wrong, there's some good old thrashy death metal elements on Projector as well (take The Sun Fired Blanks for example), just not in the same quantity as on other DT albums. Projector is some sort of a weird cross-over of modern Gothenburg sound, traditional goth rock and Depeche Mode.

Personally, I think Projector has some of the best, most innovative compositions DT has ever done (Nether Novas, UnDo Control, To a Bitter Halt, etc.), but others have dubbed the album "homosexual gothic nonsense", so I guess you should try to have a very open mind when you listen to it the first time.

I've got to go back to work now, but once you buy the album, please let us know what you think about it.

Thanks for the advice.

I'll pick up Skydancer/of Chaos next time I make a DT-run. I have high expectations for that one too.
As Villain saids you are wrong about Projector for the simple reason that most of the people who bashed and lowered it have a very close mind to how metal should sound. Projector, along with Haven are DT's two most unique, genre-bending and experimental releases. Definitely not weaker than the rest of the discocraphy.

A few things on Projector:
1-Freecard; Nether Novas; Undo Control; On Your Time = masterpieces.
2-Check out Jivarp's work on the whole album, it's ace (as usual)
3- Last release with Fredrik!
4- Stanne is really something on the whole album, his vocals improved a lot since The Mind's I. He puts in tons of feeling masterfully.

So don't even consider buying it. Just buy it.
The Mind's I and Projector are my two favorite DT albums. To me, The Mind's I has the coldest atmosphere out of all their albums. Whenever I listen to it, it always immediately takes me back to the first time I listened to it. I just connect with it in a way that I've never really connected to any other DT album. And from the moment I heard "Hedon," I knew this album was special. The low volume problem pisses me off, but just turn up the volume and you'll be all set. If I had one other complaint about this album, it would probably be the drumming. It seems like many of the songs have same exact drumbeat. If you listen quickly listen to tracks 1,2,4,6 and 9, you can immediately notice that the beats sound exactly the same. Just a minor complaint, but I do find myself wishing that the drumwork could have been a little more creative.

And Projector was the first DT album that I ever purchased, which was about 5 years ago. There's really a perfect mix of the hard and soft on this album. Stanne's clean vocals will take a little while to appreciate, but I think his growls are the best on this album than on any other. It's more of a restrained growl than what he usually does. But I remember reading an interview where Mikael stated that his voice was screwed up after this album because of the way he growled. But I guess it was worth it. You can just skip over "Day to End" though. I just can't bring myself to appreciate it. It just sounds like Stanne got a little too comfortable with his clean voice and thought he could pull something like this off. Ugly, ugly, ugly.
Zephyrus said:
Now, Projector. I've been hesitant to buy this album because my preconception is that it's weaker than the rest of the albums. Please state your reasons why I'm wrong.

Because that title goes to Damage Done!!

Nah, seriously Projector RULES. As the Doc said, it's an album of extremes. Therein is DT's most emotional song, Auctioned their most gentle, Day To End their most experimental. Yet there's some truly rocking tracks like On Your Time and Sun Fired Blanks, two of my absolute favourites. Don't hesitate to buy it!!
yeah the minds i is great its nice to hear you buy it :D
and projector is really a masterpiece, imo.
as someobe said up here, the mix between the hard and the soft makes it unique in the DT discography, the vocals are awesome here and the lyrics too, the music is different from the other albums yet they keep their style, go buy it. you wont regret it :)
projector leaves a bad taste in my mouth whenever i listen to it i have no clue why but to me its such a weak effort yeah theres some amazing songs on it but as a whole i just cant stand it. The Minds I is really great my top 5 dt albums are

Minds I
Damage Done