I vårens ljusa kvällar
I only have the early CDs up to The Mind's I. But there is something weird. Everywhere I read about THE "Of Chaos And Eternal Night" MCD from 1995. However I have two versions of it, one without lyrics and one with lyrics. The first one I got back then didn't have lyrics (booklet inside is blank). Somewhat later I bought a second copy, because it did have lyrics. I assume that the version with lyrics is the most common one. Was the other a misprint? Does anyone know more about this or also have the version without lyrics? And on examining them better, I noticed that the alignment of the cover image, band name and title is not exactly the same. The version without lyrics is aligned somewhat higher, so that the cover loses a bit of image on the upper side, but gains a bit of image on the bottom side. There are also some white spots near the word "night", which cannot be found on the version with lyrics.
Wow this is really interesting, so I guess the version without the lyrics is even rarer than the normal one .