So i just spent $12,000 and I couldn't be happier!


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So we decided to make some more upgrades to the studio this week. Just finished my order with Sweetwater and got some KILLER deals!

I got a 2nd 16x16 Analog HD i/o (bringing us up to 32 channels in and out)
UA LA-610 with a free UAD-2 Duo Firewire and $200 worth of plugins
Two Focusrite Octopre Platinums
2 MD421's
6 Senn e609's (love em on toms)
Pair of KRK 5's for Studio B
Audix D6
Slate VTM and FGX
Two Krank Ninteen 80s for the studio and club :)

Next week shall be SUPER fucking epic!

FYI we have decided to forego the Slate MTi and contrinue on with our Artist stereis controllers. Sorry Steven, but at the moment i/o, pre's and mics were more important.

Cant WAIT to get my hands on those 421's! Epic Floor Toms and Guitars will be in abundance!!!
Even though I don't like the 421's clip, I think you made a good decision. And the Krank :kickass:
BEST fucking amp I have ever owned! I have one already and when the guys at the studio and club heard them they wanted em!

Its the best 2203 "british" sounding amp EVER MADE!

In comparison to a 2203, what are the differences?

I've owned my fair share of amps in my time, but never a N-80.
16 channels of Focusrite Octopre? Crumbs.

Keep in mind this isnt the Octopre MKII this is the older Platinum version. Silverface. This thing is INCREDIBLE! Scored 2 of em for $700!

I LOVE they way they sound on drums!!!!!!!!!!!

The internal comp while fixed ratio is just enough to catch those transients and smooth everything out to prevent clipping. I fucking LOVE this thing! I will now have a total of 24 channels of this pre :)
+1 on 609 for toms, they've been my rack tom mics for years. Mine are however the older black faced 609s, i have never tried the silvers.

Grats on the new toys, always fun to get new stuff, especially in large quantities :kickass:
Is the 610 the only dedicated pre you have other than the Octopres then? I'd really, really advise getting at least a good pair of API or Neve pres (or clones); stacking that many tracks through mid-level pres is going to be detrimental to your mixes, and the 610 isn't really suited to a lot more than vocals/bass/mono room IME.
Also, any pro tips on making $12,000? I don't even make that much in an entire year. fuuuuuuuuuck.

Have another career to fall back on? Seriously though, while I love making and recording music, I'm glad I came to it after already having a career - it just seems far to variable for me. As I'm not a pro I have no advice, but hopefully some of the others can offer real advice.
Is the 610 the only dedicated pre you have other than the Octopres then? I'd really, really advise getting at least a good pair of API or Neve pres (or clones); stacking that many tracks through mid-level pres is going to be detrimental to your mixes, and the 610 isn't really suited to a lot more than vocals/bass/mono room IME.

+1. I'm glad you like them, but I used to have a Octopre Platinum and I'd rather have a Behringer ADA8000 over one those TBH.

Nice score though... I gotta try one of those Nineteen80s!
Is the 610 the only dedicated pre you have other than the Octopres then? I'd really, really advise getting at least a good pair of API or Neve pres (or clones); stacking that many tracks through mid-level pres is going to be detrimental to your mixes, and the 610 isn't really suited to a lot more than vocals/bass/mono room IME.

I have 6 BAE 312 Pres and 4 Vintech 1073 style as well.

So thats 6 API, 4 Neve, 1 UA, and 24 Focusrite

For the price I couldnt pass it up. for shit tons of inputs for tracking drums / horns it was a steal. $500 for BOTH units.