So i just spent $12,000 and I couldn't be happier!

I have 6 BAE 312 Pres and 4 Vintech 1073 style as well.

So thats 6 API, 4 Neve, 1 UA, and 24 Focusrite

For the price I couldnt pass it up. for shit tons of inputs for tracking drums / horns it was a steal. $500 for BOTH units.

Didn't realize that; you've definitely got things covered. Now you can just sell off the Focusrite units at normal price as you add more high-end pres and will eventually have an awesome setup for every channel you're recording.
Also, any pro tips on making $12,000? I don't even make that much in an entire year. fuuuuuuuuuck.
Is it what you make off your audio endeavours? Illegal immigrants make more than that.When will some of you guys respect yourself and start charging appropriately...

What's the point of having mediocre 32 channels? It's not like you working with symphonic orchestras,is it? One or two Focusrite isa one would be much better than one octopre for a start...
you've got some great things bro. can you make a demo with the e609 on drums (kick, snare, toms) once they arrive?
What's the point of having mediocre 32 channels? It's not like you working with symphonic orchestras,is it? One or two Focusrite isa one would be much better than one octopre for a start...

As a matter of fact I do, and I do a ton of live stuff in the studio as well for live performance videos having 32 channels is a god send. I can mic a kit properly for one and have tons of options when mixing. If i want 5 mics on the snare I can have em, its all about options, and having the ability to experiment and try things. Hell just the other day I had 6 mics on a guitar cab just for shits and giggles. Of course there was the obligatory 57 on there where I would normally place it but when you have extra channels why not use them. May find something different that might work.

Now that being said, I dont know if you realize I am not in a bedroom studio. I am in a commercial space (a really nice one actually), and I dont work much with "local" bands. These days I am doing a lot of country. Just cause of where I am located, which is fine by me. Just finished a track for John Rich as a matter of fact.

Like I said, I couldn't afford another 16 channels of quality pre's with THIS particular purchase, and having the use of those channels even with mediocre preamps is better then not being able to use them at all. Just cause you dont like their sonic qualities doesn't mean everyone doesn't. I quite like it on drums as I said. Then again nowadays I barely touch anything even remotely metal.

Also keep in mind its not 32 channels of mediocre pres, I have 14 good ones, 6 BAE 312's, 4 Vintech 1073's, A Focusrite ISA ;) , LA 610, and 2 Avalon.

buying 2 more pre's for my 500 would have been pointless as the box is full, and I couldnt afford another box, and 2 preamps. So i purchased 16 mediocre preamps which dont sound horrible by any means for $500, just to get use of the additional 16 channels, so I can use all 32 at once when needed.
There's a lot to be said for having options but there's also a lot to be said for committing from the get-go. I'd rather have 1 snare mic than 5 if I'm perfectly honest. Too many options is quite often a bad thing in audio.
Yeah, haters goan hate. Congrats on the purchases Jason. All this 'mediocre preamp' talk is just that - talk. I've seen enough shootouts to convince me that the vast majority of modern preamps are going to get you professional sounding shit. Once again, it all comes down to a few things - your ears, your experience, and your knowledge.
Everyone that knows a few things about electronics and marketing understands that all these more-expensive-is-better theories are complete bullshit so....
I am happy with those preamps, and in time when I can afford better they will get upgraded. We all know this is a never ending game of spending money on things we "think" we need. People still make records on Digi 002's without top end conversion or pres.
Oh! did I mention I record everything 16 bit? Not kidding there .... I know, i'm a rebel.
@guitarguru777 bro, my opinion. don't upgrade them. it doesn't worth it really. I've made many comparisons in the past and the difference is so minimal it really doesn't worth it. invest in microphones, acoustic treatment, guitars...etc. these things make a real difference. now saying that I've got Universal Audio or Avalon preamps sure get me more clients but besides from that they're useless. my octopres really do the job as good. (and that might sound strange to some of you but whatever, you know. they sound really really close to me. don't be fooled by a price tag)

by the way, are you going to do a e609 on everything test when you get the time? :D