So I miced up my acoustic for the first time (akg perception 200 tiemz)


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
Felt in the mood to learn some Bon Iver on guitar
Now this guitar's a total piece of shit, some unbranded horrible 6 string with the worst set up in history
Ended up micing it up with my AKG Perception 200 into an ART Tube MP mkI with a JJ 12ax7 in it, which is going into my Yamaha UW500 interface (SOMEONE BUY IT OFF ME)

Mic was a couple of inches away from the guitar, pointing to aroundabouts the 12th fret. Seemed to be the best combination between a nice deep low end, a full midrange and a smooth top end. Further up the fretboard it just got too needly and over the sound hole it sounded deep as fuck but not really a nice balanced sound, would probably sound awesome blended with other mic positions though.

Apolagies in advance for the sloppy playing. The album this song is off is very loose album, full of mistakes, but it's all the more human for it, so I decided not to record this to a click, like or lump it I'm afraid, gentlemen. :D
And the guitar's nigh on impossible to play. Really thick strings and a really fucking high action on this thing, so I'm gonna re-string it cos I got some strings and try to lower the action as much as possible. The way I figures it is that this can only sound better. Love.mp3

Damn near no post-processing on the guitar in the mix. Sent both guitars to the same reverb, and the vocals too. Vocals have comp and eq as well.

Mastering project was uh.. gClip to kill a couple of unwieldy transients, Steinberg Q, an edited blockfish preset (master bus comp, turned the saturation righttt down and turned the comp down so it was only lighting up the first light and occaisionally the second,) Steinberg Magneto, gClip again and Voxengo Elephant.

OPINIONS? Cos I think for a cheapy piece of shit guitar it sounds tits :D
I think the vocals sound way to vocoded.

It's cos I suck at singing :D
The falsetto stuff I autotuned the fuck out of on purpose but the regular pitch stuff you can hear the autotune really working still anyway :S