So.. I recorded a song with two of my friends today..


May 10, 2008
Sunderland, UK.
and its abit weird.. very experimental doom/ambient. Isn't very metal..

guitars are Revalver MKIII(with JCM head and Guitar Hack's impluse(i'm really digging these)).

Drums are Superior 2.. Can't remember which kit we used, but we mixed a sample into the kick.

The acoustic was recorded with a condenser.

the really low war drum type sound was actually a Celtic drum that we sampled, and knocked down 2 octaves lower and with some verb on.

..Thats all i can remember at the moment, i'm pretty tired.. so if theres anything else you want to know, just ask.. :)

p.s, i know the low drum near the end is out, and i need to turn guitars down.

p.s.s, there isn't any bass yet. that gets done tomorrow with the song hopefully finished off, heh :)
dooooooooom? FUCKIN YUSSS

its about 80bpm too fast for a start, but the atmosphere is cool, i like the vocals. reminds me of the vocal sound of Sunn O))) - Cursed Realms (Of The Winterdemons) a bit. Dirty and distorted and desperate.
with s2.0 I'd suggest compressing the fuck out of the room mic and turning it uppppppppp. Drums sound a tad dry compared to everything else.
yeah man, i was going to do another mix of it again. JB suggested blasting the room mic, i just haven't getting round to doing it! cheers

and vocals were sm57 with TSS, hahaha