so i think i may have converted one of my college friends into a Buffy fan


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
we drove to CT on saturday to visit with some friends and on the way back he asked me about the premise and stuff and after talking for about an hour about all the different metaphors and what i thought were important story arcs, he was intrigued and decided to borrow the first two seasons from me!

i hope he enjoys them.

also we played trivial pusuit on saturday night and our team got this question:

which actor used his role in a taster's choice commericial and turned it into a starring role on Buffy?

before they could even finisht eh question i said "anthony stewart head" and impressed everyone with my skills and...dorkiness.
i only need season five to complete my collection so i will have them at your disposal if you want to borrow them.

or if you want to give it a shot, come with me next time they have a sing-a-long with the musical episode at the collidge corner theater. it was free last time!
I watched an episode once and I remember not caring for it at all, but then again I never liked the omg what will happen next serialized format. And maybe I didn't "get" it to a degree 'cause I'm greek. And dense.
i agree with you on like 99% of tv toby. i mean i love the simpsons and the family guy but in the end its just humor.

but i can't explain it but there is just something i "get" out of watching buffy and angel and that is why i really love those shows because its not just mind-numbing entertainment.