so i took a chance


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
and i bought some incense made by the alchemy gothic company. you know that company that makes all the weird skeletal and gothic themed products which appeals to the teenage metalhead, i mean we had the catalog when we were kids.

Any-hoo, now my room smells like the Hot Topic.
i will ignore the previous goth chic comments and tell my story anyway.

story pt 1: my former roommate used to work at a Hot Topic. and yes, she did enjoy wearing black goth-like clothes and army boots. (she was a girlfriend of a friend at the time, so the room sharing was out of convenience) she was pretty cool, albeit somewhat naive (like the time she went to a house of blues show with no ride home and left with a security guard that said he'd take her home- her reason: "he had a gun! I'd be safe!") side note: she may have been somewhat goth-y, but she was not fat. she worked out at the Y.

story pt 2: one time, i ran into this girl (like 6 yrs ago) at the hot topic she worked at & we started talking. two taller long haired guys came in and started cussing like every other word. it somehow came out that they were on house arrest for something and could only go to the mall because that's where they worked. it also came out that i did a radio show and that they were in a band, so they went to their car to get their cd. they came back and kept talking to us as we continually kept pace with their constant use of vulgarity ("Fuck, dood, i fuckin' hit that fuckin' shit!" "FUCK! NO FUCKIN WAY!"); in effect, making fun of them to their faces without them getting it at all. I never played the disc on the air.