So I went for blood work yesterday...

Ryan VH

Go Forth And Die!
Jul 8, 2006
Los Angeles, California
because next week on Friday I'm having surgery. Shoulder is in a lot of pain so I'm glad it's coming up, but the recovery time is 2-3 months which means no guitar playing for that time. Has anyone else had shoulder surgery or any other type of orthapedic surgery? If so, can you tell me how it felt after because that's my only concern.
We're surgery brothers! But I'm only down for 2 weeks and intend to go to Sonora to fix a pc if I can get shit to work out.
because next week on Friday I'm having surgery. Shoulder is in a lot of pain so I'm glad it's coming up, but the recovery time is 2-3 months which means no guitar playing for that time. Has anyone else had shoulder surgery or any other type of orthapedic surgery? If so, can you tell me how it felt after because that's my only concern.
I had a guitar player friend get elbow surgery. He found that his guitar stand was far a far superior support for his arm during the recovery than the overpriced things in the medical stores. He's fine, now. 2-3 months sounds about right from what I remember. He still shreds.
Not yet. But my shoulder still hurts pretty badly, and I've been having pain down my arm into my hand. I'm wondering if it's a nerve now ...oh well, we'll see if it withers and falls off.

Keep us posted. I've had a few surgeries and the hardest thing is resting the area that was operated on, you never know how much you use those muscles until you can't. But I imagine they'll do all sorts of shit to keep your shoulder stationary. I think the worst part will just be not being able to use it for a while, but the pain will be gone.
Whew. Mine says if they approve of it, I pay nada. I feel fortunate. (They did approve it of course.)
I dislocated my shoulder playing international rugby, the surgery was a long time coming and the non-movement rule lasts for 6 weeks.

I had to learn to write again. :(

It feels weird, to be honest. I had the exact same surgery I imagine you're having. It's a weird feeling, but a dull pain so it's not crazy sore.

It takes a while to get over it, BUT a few weeks discomfort and a few weeks recovery and a few weeks in physio makes SO much more sense than visits to A+E every two weeks to check you have not trapped a nerve popping your shoulder back into joint.
Your thread topic being: "so I went for blood work yesterday..."

is horribly misleading, the post should have then contained something along the lines of

"... and I have AIDS"