so im curious


Feb 8, 2003
now this is going to sound whiney and pitty filled however it is not intended to sound so.
it seems like you guys might not be interested in my radio show.
its an hour full of metasl and comentary.completly made for you!
i have advertised it here and gotten little results.
i just want your opinion,its free and stremaing worldwide.
if you have the time and listen to it please drop me a line and tell me what you think.
wes/metal observer radio
p.s. by the way it is getting major attention from other sites and is growing like wildfire,just curious why it seems dead i have enimies here or you just have not checked it out?just curious
wes/tmo radio
Because the Metal Observer is Ultimate Metal's riiiiiiiiival!!! Well, no... I don't know... I'm just too damn lazy or busy to check it out. Maybe next time though.
hey wow a reply!sweet!
a rival,its funny sometimes i hear people say that(and i know you are judt kidding).but i often remember when the metal observer was getting like 1500 hits a month and no one gave a rats flying that we are on path to have a million hits i feel proud to be the only origional member besides alex of course who runs the site.
then i also think "i wonder if people know that i do this for free and that i really just want to help out bands".if i knew what this was going to turn out to be i would/could have never dreamed the huge abaility i have to help bands,the radio show is a major way for me to help spread the underground to a huge audiance.
though some people think in terms of rivals i consider us all one big brotherhood,i totally support ultimate metal and appreciate what you do!
and i appreciate all of those peole who have helped and supported the metal observer as well.
just my long ass winded painfully aggonising ken burns style answer!
wes/tmo radio
Yeah, I see no rivalry between metal zines, magazines, etc.

I like Metal Observer... whenever I search for certain reviews, you guys usually have what I'm looking for.

I'll eventually get around to listening to the radio show... I've just never been on when it's played.