So I'm in the Netherlands now...

+1, try our crack to begin with.. then move on the harder stuff.
Traditionally we smoke crack in a field of tulips and underneath a windmill with our clogs on, we wash down the taste of crack with some cheese and wine.

Also, when in amsterdam.. Begijnhof, a little secret garden surrounded by little 14th century town houses including the oldest house in all of Amsterdam dating from 1420. This place is so peaceful and quiet you can hear no noise from the outside traffic. Please respect the notice-- NO noise please.The houses are still lived in by on a daily basis and still by single women.

Go for a free boat ride on the ferry which connects Amsterdam to the IJ island and while over there explore the area. Architects are being let loose over there so you will come across some crazy designs. Sails between the Central Station and Amsterdam North from back of central station.

also: [ame][/ame]

fun times.
+1, try our crack to begin with.. then move on the harder stuff.
Traditionally we smoke crack in a field of tulips and underneath a windmill with our clogs on, we wash down the taste of crack with some cheese and wine.

Also, when in amsterdam.. Begijnhof, a little secret garden surrounded by little 14th century town houses including the oldest house in all of Amsterdam dating from 1420. This place is so peaceful and quiet you can hear no noise from the outside traffic. Please respect the notice-- NO noise please.The houses are still lived in by on a daily basis and still by single women.

Hahahahahaha, quite the idyllic lifestyle you guys lead over there, Bob :lol:
Sorry for the short first post of this thread. I was running short on time; I had to go somewhere with my girlfriend. I flew from Houston and stayed in Dublin for two days. It was pretty cool but it felt mostly like an American city and it was expensive as hell. I did enjoy Malahide castle though. Took a trip to the north coast and that was cool too. I flew into Amsterdam from there but didn't stay in Amsterdam for any time at all. I immediately took the train the The Hague (den haag for you locals :p.) So my girlfriend and I are living in Den Haag now and will be for probably another 6 months and we've got enough money saved up to do it :headbang:. Any of you guys got studios in the area? Are there any good local bands or cool places to see local bands? Anything else of interest?
Sorry for the short first post of this thread. I was running short on time; I had to go somewhere with my girlfriend. I flew from Houston and stayed in Dublin for two days. It was pretty cool but it felt mostly like an American city and it was expensive as hell. I did enjoy Malahide castle though. Took a trip to the north coast and that was cool too. I flew into Amsterdam from there but didn't stay in Amsterdam for any time at all. I immediately took the train the The Hague (den haag for you locals :p.) So my girlfriend and I are living in Den Haag now and will be for probably another 6 months and we've got enough money saved up to do it :headbang:. Any of you guys got studios in the area? Are there any good local bands or cool places to see local bands? Anything else of interest?

Damn dude, how come you're living there for so long? (but not permanently?)
Awesome man. I was in Holland two years ago. Great country! I'm going back in October of '09.

Would you mind explaining the process of moving over there? I've been thinking of doing something similar in a year or so. Where did you search for apartments?

Are you living purely off what you have saved, or are you doing any part time work?

Haha very funny dude. I'm not even sure if croquettes are typical Dutch or borrowed from another culture, but they are damn good!
