so I'm putting together a comp


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
I recount my exploits in putting it together on this thread.

question: do I let Nick design the cover? or should I tell his regular-job having ass to fuck off?

I will not confirm bands publicly until the ink is dry.
you guys sjuck.

but if by some random chance you come up with something actually good, maybe I'll use it. right now it's "the itsatrap reader's companion, vol. 1"
avi's gonna reach through the monitor and strangle me.

/blush/ but also the sad reality; i can't make my roommates or IRL anyone laugh to save my life, except when they (and their female guests) are making fun of my stockpiles of packaged ramen in the foodcloset. while i sleep. which happened last night.

avi i am seriously considering this.