Putting together a NY show - looking for input


Trapped in hated logic
Feb 10, 2002
There's always lots of talk on this forum on who you'd like to see live, what KIND of show you'd like to see, so I figured I'd run this by RC:

I'll be working on putting together a show in the late April beginning of May timeframe at either Public Assembly or Europa in Brooklyn, NY. Needless to say Gwynbleidd will be performing (first show in NYC in over a year, first show after release of Nostalgia). Who else should be on the bill? Please be realistic - no bands from overseas or Agalloch :heh: (unless you guys want to sponsor someone)


P.s. Two new full songs posted on myspace and at www.gwynbleidd.com. There will be some news going out in 2 days about the album.
All U.S. based...

Novembers Doom
Wolves in the Throne Room
Mouth of the Architect
Daylight Dies

If you want to open it up a bit and include some bands that are Metal, but not extreme...

Shatter Messiah
Crescent Shield
Dark Empire
Order of Nine
Twisted Tower Dire

isn't the maryland death fest NY version a few weeks into May?
D666 is playing at the Maryland gig, but still have not heard about them playing NYC.
if you can snatch them up it would be fellatio time.
I'd say Velnias is a safe bet..

Pretty much anything already mentioned seems like it'd fit great.
Velnias will be in the West around that time so no can do. Daylight Dies's guitarist now lives in LA so the cost of a one-off show went up.

Going to look into some of the other bands you guys mentioned here. thanks.