
Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
For anyone going to the Symphony X show at L'Amours in Brooklyn tomorrow night, please drop by and say hello/drink/be merry/all of the above. We will be at the bar pretty much all night.

We'll be celebrating the Royal Carnage launch and of course enjoying the show. Mark would have also just finished interviewing Symphony X so he can share with you all the latest exclusive gossip (if you buy him enough drinks)...:grin:

Present from the RC staff; myself (Ali), Haddsie (Heather), markgugs (Mark), Chief B (Amman), Dark One (Jason), and friends. If you've never met us before and want to spot us from the crowd, check our 'About Us' section for portraits and profiles, heh. Enjoy.

For the staff members not present, due to geography, they will be with us in spirit and we will be drinking to their good health and fortune!

So come on by and have fun with the team! All are welcome.

markgugs said:
I will NOT be in corpsepaint, contrary to popular rumor.

WHAT?!?! C'mon you wuss, you promised! We were totally gonna fool everyone at Lamour's into thinking we were Immortal and were there to scout out venues for future concerts, followed by a grand evening of bowing at the moon and pretending the streets of Brooklyn were the cold harsh hills of the black forests of mother Nordland.
Eh or something like that, hehe!
markgugs said:
Fuckin' A Bear-man, and there is indeed no rest for the wicked...

Into Eternity, Kataklysm & Dying Fetus tomorrow! :rock:

Dude you got to hangout with Tim,Scoot and Chris if you can, they are hell cool bro's,tell them I said whatup!!!! I got my pics back from the show today I am going to put them on my site tomorrow,that show was pretty wicked, I am glad I watched Dying Fetus from backstage LOL


NP: Soilwork - Overload