so its DNC week here in boston


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
and so far i feel pretty safe and secure. i have seen more cops out than EVER before though, standing guard at every entrance to the major buildings and such. but i guess alot of people left town because the bus was rather empty today and didn't encounter much traffic.
p.s. i will post pictures from outside the convention after i go on Wednesday night.

also, as i posted on my LJ and such, they have MILITARY HARDWARE out in force!!
Since my fiancee'd have to leave here before the first commuter rail to get in for her office's modified hours, she's visiting family for the week. My car's steering got so scary it had to be taken off the road. The replacement loaner's suspension gave out on me within five minutes. So I'm pretty much stranded at home knowing that there's a shit ton of stuff to unpack but am unable to lift it and move it here in the first place. So I am IMing Azal and developing erotic stories about Alex....