So it's Haddsie's birthday today...

One Inch Man said:
I need to find a chick that argues with me over what kind of porn to watch every night: lesbian or bigtit. :loco:

Ooh, I have just the girl for you. She has short hair, wears one earring, and likes flannel.
haddsie said:
Ooh, I have just the girl for you. She has short hair, wears one earring, and likes flannel.
Is her name Butch? I think I'm dating her long lost twin out west.
haddsie said:
Thanks boys and girl for the nice bday wishes!!.... Esp. those of you who don't know who the F I am.
one thing this board is lacking despite its continued growth and sustained superior performance (for the most part ) is that haddsie has had to place childrearing above posting :(

goldurned priorities :)

still, Ragged Glory is a wonderful thing.
JayKeeley said:
When we first moved in together, these are the sort of CDs she brought with her to the apartment: Grateful Dead, Norah Jones, Slayer, Sepultura, Mercyful Fate, Foghat, Neil Young, Dido, Bjork, Irish folk music, and early White Zombie. Oh yeah, and Megadeth and Radiohead.
Very cool.

When I met my wife, the heaviest thing she enjoyed was AC/DC. She was more into The Allman Brothers and Eric Clapton. I distinctly recall playing "Operation: Mindcrime" for her on our first date, as we drove to the restaurant. Today, she enjoys a lot of Prog and Power Metal. And while she doesn't listen to much Death Metal on her iPod or when we're in the car, she enjoys seeing Melodic Death metal bands live. To this day she tells people that she has me to thank for teaching her how to appreciate music.

lizard said:
one thing this board is lacking despite its continued growth and sustained superior performance (for the most part ) is that haddsie has had to place childrearing above posting :(

Yeah, that and having been laid off from work. The fact of the matter is, if I wasn't working at my desk "9-5", I wouldn't be on UM either. :tickled:

General Zod said:
And while she doesn't listen to much Death Metal on her iPod or when we're in the car, she enjoys seeing Melodic Death metal bands live.

That's funny. Death vocals are much more acceptable in a live arena because I guess you get sucked into the atmosphere of something so aggressive. I know for a fact that Heather appreciates Opeth and In Flames more after having seen them play live. With that said, she's never seen Amon Amarth but even she cannot deny the barrage of something like "Siegreicher Marsch". It's all about tapping the primal instincts of stomping headbanging fury!! Too fast (Nile) or too slow (Skepticism), and her attention is lost.

Being with someone who can appreciate even 50% of what you listen to is such a plus. And likewise, she's not into anything that I particularly despise, so it all works itself out. Same with films.
JayKeeley said:
That's funny. Death vocals are much more acceptable in a live arena because I guess you get sucked into the atmosphere of something so aggressive.
That's exactly it. She gets sucked into the energy of the crowd and the band's performance.

JayKeeley said:
I know for a fact that Heather appreciates Opeth and In Flames more after having seen them play live.
Interestingly, I don't think she has any greater desire to hear In Flames on CD, after having enjoyed one of their shows.

JayKeeley said:
Being with someone who can appreciate even 50% of what you listen to is such a plus. And likewise, she's not into anything that I particularly despise, so it all works itself out. Same with films.
Yeah, it's huge. She pretty much gives me full control of the stereo, so I'm not even sure, what besides NPR, she would listen to in my absence. As for films, we're usually in synch. Though she did like "I Heart Huckabees", which I thought was complete shit.

General Zod said:
She pretty much gives me full control of the stereo, so I'm not even sure, what besides NPR, she would listen to in my absence.

JayKeeley could've written that word-for-word about me too. I loves me some NPR.

I like your wife. :wave:
I heard from a friend that her lesbian aunt wants my sex. Initially, I thought that was pretty neat, but then I thought about it...

Hopefully it's just because I am a dead sexy, grizzled northern man, not because I look like a total butch.
haddsie said:
NAD, why are you dating a lesbian? Are you hoping for the threesome before she realizes? :loco:
Hey I figured I wasn't getting any anyhow, might as well have a great excuse for it! :loco: