So...let's discuss about Sepultura


Nov 6, 2002
They're my favourite metal band of all time.:heh: I like them alot better with Max Cavalera but I still like the new Sepultura with Derrick Green. Their new album is going to come out some time early next year.:)
I like them.

They are not AMAZING.

Just an average metal band, with some good songs.

Roots was kinda silly...... although I like the tribal beats....
They were freaking excellent up to Beneath the Remains which was a step downwards from Schizophrenia but still ass kicking. Arise had it's moments but it clearly showed that they were running out of riffs. Chaos A.D. was barely listeneable and after that... Blech! The first three releases (EP included) kick serious ass though.
Shcizophrenia, BtR, and Arise were awesome. Some of my fave thrash albums. Chaos A.D. was prettty good. Roots was tolerable. After that they started to suck.
I have all the sepultura albums....arise is by far the best, one of my favourite metal albums of all time, i dont like the new sepultura, since max started off the tribal stuff in Roots its kinda spoilt them, damn shame....ah well
If I get Beneathe The Remains, Schizophrenia, and Morbid Visions I will have every Sepultura album. Alot of metallers dont like Roots much but I loved that album. Sure.. it wasn't as technical or fast as their earlier work but I love the gutteral vocals and the tribal music they incorperated to their song. STRAIGHTHATE is my favourite song from that album.
See I'm the opposite than most here. I perfer the albums after Arise. I just do, I like the vocals, drumming, overall just better. Even if the riffs are weaker. I even like Derek Green. The only album I really don't like after Arise would be Against, which sucked balls.

Question: Why would Sep release a live album with Max singing and not Derek? Wouldn't that be a slap in Dereks face? I know Max is a better singer. Just wondering!!!
Hmm.. Don't know. I guess cause every Sepultura fan misses Max so they made that album. You're not the only one that like Derrick Green cause I love most of his vocal work in songs like Rumors ,Floating In Mud, and Sepulnation cause he has some good vocal range. But I think some of his vocals on Against are pretty weak. Sepultura isn't so technical but I like the tribal music and the atmosphere they have in their songs. But the old Sepultura tops the new Sepultura man.