So npearce - whatchyafinkof Buried in Oblivion?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I was just over at the Testament board and they're all raving on about it, and then I found out Rock Hard magazine in Europe gave it a massive write-up with a 10/10 score.

So anyway, you hate it don't you? :grin:
Well . . . I've only been able to listen to it once. I definitely don't hate it. In fact, here's my review of Dead or Dreaming.

It was obviously one of my first reviews.

I do think Buried in Oblivion is better. I would probably also give it a 9/10. I might not listen to it as often as something like the new Frost, but that doesn't mean it is bad music. My tastes lean a little more toward the "sick" stuff. That said, I'll still continue to listen to it. Hell . . . I'll probably even buy it.
Fuck! With all honesty, I see that as a success! Nice one. I guess it could have gone either way. I think I've heard it a lot lately, and I might put it away until the weather improves. Dead or Dreaming was good sunshine driving music for me, and this will be the same. \m/

Right now, I'm falling victim to the latest by Orphaned Land. Def going to give IE a run for it's money, and they're both on Century Media!
After another listen, I've decided I'll go ahead and buy it. The clean vocals aren't the style that I normally like, but considering they remind me of Queensryche and not Manowar, I am getting used to them.

The new Frost still kicks everythings ass, though. More on that later . . .
I just picked it up yesterday after I dl'ed it and loved it. I think it is a bit better than Dead or Dreaming only because it is less repetitive and seems like a more mature effort. And this is coming from someone who also pretty much prefers the grimmer side of music. Although my musical preferences would say otherwise, Into Eternity is definitely one of my favorite bands. SO much talent.
npearce said:
After another listen, I've decided I'll go ahead and buy it. The clean vocals aren't the style that I normally like, but considering they remind me of Queensryche and not Manowar, I am getting used to them.
The clean vocals do standout. Right from the get-go, the chorus in Splintered Visions is just superb.

The new Frost still kicks everythings ass, though. More on that later . . .
BWD is supposed to be reviewing that one for us.
One day, if you ever wanted to venture a risk into two more bands in a similar vein, I would recommend Mercenary and Elenium. Both reviews are up at RC. It's really all prog-power-death at the end of the day, and I like it.
The new IE is bright in its choruses and clean vox, but the rest is pretty dark. I do know what you mean about the latest Nevermore though - it's gritty. People don't like the production, but I like that homemade feel to it.
What is the big deal about Into Eternity??

Evil C played me the latest the other day, and aside from the choruses that sound ripped off directly from Ray Alder and FATES WARNING, I don't see much that I like about this band. The music is well played, but they sound like Children Of Boredom and Yngwie at times, and I'm sorry if I want Malmsteen, I'm going to listen to Malmsteen not this overblown Shadows Fall/COB/FW hybrid.

And did I mention their harsh vocals are pitiful? :Smug:
I agree that the clear production doesn't detract too much from the impact of the album, the heavier sections are full of raw power, which is obviously what Nevermore was aiming for with EOR. As for the Malmsteen comparison, some of the songs indeed are heavy on the lightspeed harmonic guitars, but it never lapses into self-indulgence and fits into the framework of the compositions.