So, Saddam will be hanging within 30 days... here's how they should do it

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Drop him instead of the ball on New Years.

Dick Clark: Look at that fabulous ball!
Ed McMahon: I know.. something is different, though. I can smell it.
Dick Clark: Look at all the hair... OH TIME TO COUNT DOWN
3... 2... 1...
Ed McMahon: And they kicked the chair out! Happy New Year!
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: haah watch
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: they drop him when the ball drops
PitchblendRocker: hahahaha
PitchblendRocker: let him be the ball
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: woo
PitchblendRocker: just 3,2,1 *kick the chair out* HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Whenever they will eventually kill him, I hope they Youtube the video. I never saw someone getting hanged before.
I guess he will soon be well hung (corny but appropriate).
I just don't know how many more "twins" will fall, following his fall.
Mysterious are the human ways. :worship: :erk: :puke:
and I don't say that he doesn't deserve it or smtg
By hanging!
From the gallows!
By hanging arooouuuuuuuuuuund

beat me to it. also, i don't get why everyone thinks about this so much, i read it a while ago and sort of forgot about it. he's not able to do anything now so why does everyone still care about when/how he's being killed?