So the new Agent Steel is ruling


Custom User Title
Nov 25, 2005
Eureka, CA
Listening to it for the first time, didn't even know they had a new one coming out. Go download this shit. And download me dinner while you're at it.
Hot. What say we sit down and discuss the beer you like.

And how good is this Agent Steel? Didn't they change heir name at some point?
Hot. What say we sit down and discuss the beer you like.

And how good is this Agent Steel? Didn't they change heir name at some point?

Yeah they had some strife with their old vocalist and legal issues made them change it to "Order of The Illuminati" for a little bit, which is also the name of their album previous to this. Their old shit is pretty cool, but it's 80's thrash so don't expect a modern touch. Their new stuff, particularly what I'm hearing on the new album, is actually fairly prog-ish but still predominately melodic thrash. If you can get a sense from that. I saw these guys in 2005 and they destroyed so I've been a fan since then.
What are the vocals like? I am intrigued by your mention of "prog-ish thrash"

Clean vocals, but Bruce has a unique "flair" to his that's sort of menacing.
The songwriting on this album is a LOT more complex than previous efforts, you can tell the made a conscious effort to do such. And I like the way it turned out. Not that the old stuff is by any means simplistic, it's just pretty straight-forward thrash. Really instantly catchy riffs and phrases.

BTW all of their lyrics/album titles/concepts are all alien themed.
The new album in fact is entitled "Alienigma"
I've also been listening to Nahema's "The Second Philosophy" a lot lately. I don't even know how to describe that aside from just myspace it.

God damn Carls Jr. sounds good right now