so ummm who is still eating beef, and why?

"so you're told"

and that's probably only if they eat tons of sugar and flour i guess.
being vegan doesn't mean a person is necessarily healthy.
well it's also if they eat a lot of vegetables, which sweeten up the jizz--especially parsley, i think, and ummm lettuce? i think the fact that they include a lot of water helps a ton, too.

but also, things like meat (red especially) sour up your secretions--sweat, semen, even saliva.
My fiancee got a steak the other night and the beef was like rotten. I've kinda been eating chicken and beans since then...
xfer said:
as a crunchy liberal i think the overmasculine, prideful need to eat beef is ridiculous.
I don't think the overmasculine, prideful need to eat beef applies to most beef eaters.

That's an interesting article. Am I right in believing that BSE is only contracted by the cows that eat the chickenfoot&otherrandomstuff crap that many farms feed them on?

If that is the case, then why not eat organic beef?
There's no need to eat beef. I've had friends look at me agog at the thought of not eating beef, like, "But...but every good American eats hamburgers! That ain't right, man!" attitude. I like beef, too, but it's not essential to anything other than to preserve a cowboy image.

BSE is contracted by cows eating the spinal matter of other cows. You would think organic beef would be okay, but I'm not sure it is.
xfer said:
...I like beef, too, but it's not essential to anything other than to preserve a cowboy image....

...You would think organic beef would be okay, but I'm not sure it is.
Assuming you did really really 100 gabillion percent prefer beef to other meats, I'm sure you could research the issue enough, from a variety of sources, to eat beef (near) risk free.

for example:

but is that really the only way cows can get BSE? it's got to be transmitted in nature somehow, which makes me think that unless there's strict biological isolation from surrounding farms and the like (which is unlikely no matter how "organic" the food is; see examples of cross-pollinated organic crop fields), BSE could possibly still spread.
let me just say that i'm against oppression and discrimination of minority groups in principle and in practise

but if i give up tasty beef over this shit, i'm going to mercilessly oppress you fucking spongebobs in the future and have you rounded up into concentration camps, out of bitterness.
i could give a shit who eats meat. i just don't. considering i almost died, i guess you know... i had to give it some thought.