So, what did YOUR favorite professional metalhead pick?


Who drops crackers?
Apr 1, 2006
Albany, Ga
I stumbled upon this dandy little survey of the best albums of 2006, as mainly reported by a plethora of our heros and most hated in the scene.

Giggle...I said "scene"

Surprises abound, like Milli picking Muse's newest. (WTF?)
Surprises abound, like Milli picking Muse's newest. (WTF?)

Looks like a few very notable metal musicians chose Muse's new album, like Arjen, Eric Petersen, Steve Smyth, Marcela Bovio, and Mille like you said. I'll have to pick that one up, it must be a good one (seriously, Muse is a good band!). Also, its interesting to see which ones are truly die-hard metal fans and which have broader musical tastes, although that might not always be a good thing (see- Anneke from The Gathering choosing the new Justin Timberlake :Puke: ). Oh yeah, and kudos to Gus G. for choosing the new Mercenary which would have to be my pick at the moment :rock:
Anyone else find it kind of lame when someone picked their own band's CD?

Or the band they their label is pushing, as in Kelly from Atheist.

If you check this month's Metal Maniacs, there's a huge block on the band in the interview they conduct with Kelly.

Seems like a little bit of overkill. O.o
Mikael from Opeth picking Tool and Katatonia which to of my favorite of the year with tool being my pick of the top album of 2006. Opeth loves tool I really think they should tour together.
Um Nick, dude I would have a talk with the editor of that thing...This is supposed to be Nick, its Joey and he isnt even in Redemption LOL

Um Nick, dude I would have a talk with the editor of that thing...This is supposed to be Nick, its Joey and he isnt even in Redemption LOL


You beat me by three seconds. :)

I don't even think it's Joey. At first I did, but Joey's got that mini-mohawk thing going on and the dude in the picture looks plain old bald.

It's like I got replaced by an extra from the Blue Man Group or something!
You think THAT's weird?

I'm wondering "when the fuck did I shave my head?"

Who the hell's picture is that next to my name?!?

Well you askd for it

Then and Now lol




I am just wondering why it took him so long, thats all. Maybe it was becuase he was always compteting with is sister,I mean brother :Saint::kickass:

edit: wow, i thought you were joking...
Our very own Glenn Harveston loves My Chemical Romance as well. I think he went as far as to call it one of his favorites this year. I actually downloaded it and gave it a spin, but it didn't do a lot for me, and I never came back to it. It seems a lot of people love it though .. maybe I should revisit it.

Hmm, let's see:

Gus G, Leif Endling, Magnus Rosen and Nils Patrick Johanssen picking their own albums :lol:

Alex Webster picking extreme bands :Smug:

And my congratulations to Nina C. Alice for picking one album only and all class (no wonder since they're close friends of Lemmy :heh: )