so what is it about Six Feet Under ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
... that people hate so much.
Yes, they write simple songs with basic structures, but in the right mood, that stuff just slays.

anyone see their live performace DVD from With Full Force festival a few years ago ... if not check it out ... I revisit it a few times a year ... great live show and the crowd is nuts!

I think they are one of those guilty pleasures for most people ...

Plus, Chris Barnes drives a MINI and participates in rallyes ... so that is :kickass:
I can't say I've ever heard one of their CDs. However, whenever I happen to catch one of their videos on HBB or Metal Asylum, I always find his vocals just completely over the top. Sounds like Death Metal for Dummies. That said, I can see how with the right amount of alcohol in the system, it might be fun.

you do realize that Chris Barnes was the original vocalist for Cannibal Corpse, pretty much inventing the whole cookie monster Death Metal bark ...
I have some bullshit promo laying about -- "A decade in the grave" comp. I'll give it a spin later on. I've heard some SFU but nothing too memorable. I'll give it a chance.

And I've got some "Vile" lined up too, so I can always wash away the sins with some CC. :loco:
It's trendy to hate SFU, which explains why so many people hate them entirely. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in their music that should evoke utter hatred, indifference yes, but I don't understand people having such strong feelings for a basic band like this. It probably has something to do with their cover songs and how some people have driven the stick so far up their ass that they're actually offended when a band does a crap cover. I think the "TNT" cover is absolutely fucking hilarious and I love it. Besides that, SFU's first three albums are pure sunny day, speeding down the highway, headbanging like a retard goodness. It's just pure, groovy, riff-based music with great vocals. Simple, effective, catchy, fun.
Opeth17 said:
It's trendy to hate SFU, which explains why so many people hate them entirely. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in their music that should evoke utter hatred, indifference yes, but I don't understand people having such strong feelings for a basic band like this. It probably has something to do with their cover songs and how some people have driven the stick so far up their ass that they're actually offended when a band does a crap cover. I think the "TNT" cover is absolutely fucking hilarious and I love it. Besides that, SFU's first three albums are pure sunny day, speeding down the highway, headbanging like a retard goodness. It's just pure, groovy, riff-based music with great vocals. Simple, effective, catchy, fun.

right on dude ... on the Live With Full Force DVD ... they play TNT ... and the crowd just goes bonkers ... never seen anything like it ... funny as fuck
lurch70 said:
you do realize that Chris Barnes was the original vocalist for Cannibal Corpse, pretty much inventing the whole cookie monster Death Metal bark ...
Yes, I read that somewhere. Can't say I've heard much CC. And for the record, I don't hate SFU's music. Truth be told, I find it difficult to pay attention to what they're doing musically, with the vocals so in front and over the top to the point of silliness.

i know you don't like the general DM style ... so this is understandable

I can't imagine Nad not liking them however ... I don't think he ever mentioned anything about them
They bored me. Nothing wrong with what I heard, it just bored the poo outta me.

Vile by Cannibal Corpse is like, beyond reproachfulnesses, or something.
Six feet Under, it's not the musicians fault their lead singer cares more about pot that his singing or lyrics. They just need to get the balls to fire his ass and find someone who can actually sing and is not a fucking drug addict.
hahaha at your obsession with bumping six feet under threads on every board

at least you didn't get pissy this time that this one was about the show and not the band :lol:
Oh, this is the guy who hates Chris Barnes with a bleeding passion? I love that guy! :tickled:
something rotten in the cellar
don't go down there!

Those lyrics always cracked me up. Still should check out their early shit I suppose.