So while I was waiting for slayer I went to The End Records for a few...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Got a few posters, most of which I'll give away probably, but 2...

First the ones I will give away (pictures suck, I know... glossy posters, plus not being hung up, plus really bad house lighting = bad pictures):

Unexpect (Dunno who they are... thought the poster looked ok):

Sleepytime Gorrila Musuem (which refused to upload all the way, twice)


Giant Squid:


And then theres a Thine Eyes Bleed one, which doesn't look bad, I just refuse to upload it. I'm sure I'll find a fan out there who will want it.

Now for the the 2 I am keeping, A Dissection Reinkaos poster (not pictured because it comes out as one big blur, just think the Reinkaos album cover, 10 times bigger) and a truly god like poster:


Oh, and I also have a Voivod sticker, and A copy of Alternate Endings I'm willing to part with since I already have them.

People I'm seeing in SF in a few days, if you guys want any of them (With the exception of the Agalloch or Dissection ones... you fuckers will never get those!), tell me before thursday night, dammit.