So, who here would bang the chick from Arch Enemy?

SoundMaster said:
or how 'bout the chick from Lacuna Coil? :worship:

You can bang Angela any given time, but if you touch Lillo you're dead meat :yell:
Angela would probably bite our dicks off and spit it out in a music video with those death vocals lol u know a little visual from their lyrics lol .. :tickled: :yuk: :ill: o_O
sixxswine said:
Is that Lilo from Lilo & Stitch?!:yuk:
You're one sick fuck!:tickled:

You are one sick bastard Swine...and I love you for that :loco:

Nah, I'm talking about Christina "Lillo" Scabbia

The list of metal chicks I would so bang...

Angela fromo Arch Enemy (bring on the growls)
Tarja from Nightwish (bring on the opera)
Doro (bring on the MILF pussy)

oh yeah

the Lacuna Coil chick... so fucking hot
Well, I remember when I had that threesome with Angie and Chritsy a while back...they kept saying something about how I was too much man for them...geez...I put on some Marvin Gaye and popped a 40 of Old English and you'd think they'd never SEEN a man before! sheesh!
All the ladies here that were mentioned are all nice looking (Amy Lee as well) but I have the internet and an "Asian persiasion" as well. I would rather listen to those girls sing and look at the naked Asian chicks. Not that it would ever happen to me because I am not particularly young, nor very handsome, but if I were ever to become a professional artist, I think I would be more impressed by female fans if they complimented my ability/playing/songwriting or something as opposed to "how badly they wanted to bang me."
I also don't see why a couple here are so down on Lacuna Coil. I am not particualrly crazy about "Comalies" but I also have "Unleashed Memories" and it is absolutely brilliant. I think it's lush, emotional and powerful. "To Live is to Hide" is a killer song.

Bryant said:
All the ladies here that were mentioned are all nice looking (Amy Lee as well) but I have the internet and an "Asian persiasion" as well. I would rather listen to those girls sing and look at the naked Asian chicks.


My brother!
I too LOVE Asian women. In fact, my wife and previous g/f are/were Asian and I really couldn't ever imagine myself with a non-Asian anymore (if my wife were to dump me, that is!).

There beauty - and more importantly - femininity is simply unparalleled. :loco: :headbang:
SoundMaster said:
My brother!
I too LOVE Asian women. In fact, my wife and previous g/f are/were Asian and I really couldn't ever imagine myself with a non-Asian anymore (if my wife were to dump me, that is!).

There beauty - and more importantly - femininity is simply unparalleled. :loco: :headbang:

My wife is Japanese. We have been married for about 5 years. My wife IS NOT very feminine though. She likes football (only Steelers much though) and doesn't wear make-up very often nor does she own near as many pairs of shoes as I do (not to say I am feminine, but love my odd shoes like Vans and stuff.) Not to say she doesn't have quite a bit of feminine traits. When there is nothing on TV, I put it on ESPN, she puts it on QVC.
Of course my wife is the most beautiful girl in the world in my eyes, but if I had to generalize, I am the most easy man to please on the entire planet. The most beautiful woman in the world is the most "average" Chinese woman. Their humility mixed with their strength and grace is unparalelled. It is ashamed that due to the child limit restrictions in the China mainland, Chinese women there may become a high priced commodity in the future with most families preferring (and poor families really needing) male offspring.

zeppelin said:
The Nightwish chick, she's hot.

:tickled: the way u said that after they were talking about asian women was funny... im also a asian persuasion type.. but i like females in all races... asians just seem to be the cutest and age well... they forever seem young.. plus im dating a filipina.... :Smug:
Bryant said:
All the ladies here that were mentioned are all nice looking (Amy Lee as well) but I have the internet and an "Asian persiasion" as well. I would rather listen to those girls sing and look at the naked Asian chicks. Not that it would ever happen to me because I am not particularly young, nor very handsome, but if I were ever to become a professional artist, I think I would be more impressed by female fans if they complimented my ability/playing/songwriting or something as opposed to "how badly they wanted to bang me."
I also don't see why a couple here are so down on Lacuna Coil. I am not particualrly crazy about "Comalies" but I also have "Unleashed Memories" and it is absolutely brilliant. I think it's lush, emotional and powerful. "To Live is to Hide" is a killer song.


I love the comalies album especially Comalies the song because im trying to learn Italian... its a very beautiful language... but I now want to get the other album u recommended... is it in english or italian or both? ...