so who killed Sister Mary?...


New Metal Member
Aug 6, 2004
just saw this on the Queensryche site, a fall tour is planned to feature Operation Mindcrime played live in its entirety for the first time in years, but what is most mind-boggling to me is the fact that they are working on a sequel to Operation Mindcrime, according to their site, the sequel will reveal once and for all who killed Sister Mary, i'm just getting goose bumps thinking how the story will unfold, i'm also thrilled knowing that many of us who were either unlucky or too young to go then will be getting the chance of a lifetime to witness Operation Mindcrime played live ! :hotjump: i'm thinking with all the actors that will be there in attendance this will perhaps be my second musical i have seen since the Lion the way Enchant rocks !!! :worship:
Im thinking he was set-up to think he did it,but he didnt.Should be a great show,and hopefully a great sequel.
1quick95 said:
Im thinking he was set-up to think he did it,but he didnt.Should be a great show,and hopefully a great sequel.
I'm pretty sure he knew that "they" killed her and set him up. I've always interpreted his "amnesia" as a reaction to her murder.

I bet sequel is all about revenge.
As excited as I am to see that they're finally wrapping up the Mindcrime saga, doesn't anyone agree that it is 10 years too late? QR was one of my fave bands until they started puttting out grunge records in 1996. I've supported them since day one and can only see this as a ploy to fill their wallets. The money is what killed Mary.
Isn't that the deal though?

"If you entertain me, I'll support your lifestyle?" It's certainly how I feel. Musicians are people too, they must provide for themselves.

If the story is good, then it's worth it, regardless of the motive.
Mae Dae said:
As excited as I am to see that they're finally wrapping up the Mindcrime saga, doesn't anyone agree that it is 10 years too late? QR was one of my fave bands until they started puttting out grunge records in 1996. I've supported them since day one and can only see this as a ploy to fill their wallets. The money is what killed Mary.

That about says it for me too. I really think the time has passed for them to be able of follow MC up with a strong sequel. The band is NOT the same one it used to be and hasn't been since Promised Land. And truthfully, I saw the Freeview on Direct TV of their latest concert movie :err: and all it did was make me depressed. A good deal of the magic has slipped away and doing a sequel to your biggest album is not going to get it back....
Of course they are in it for the money - but heck, I'd go for it. I was never a QR fan when they were mega popular (well, relatively) in the Mindcrime days - I only came upon them in the last couple of years. I managed to avoid their slide into grunge trash with their later recordings (credit: Dave) and still enjoy OM! So I would go for the sequel. I know I won't like it as much, but it would be cool to get the rest of the story.

Who cares who killed her! What difference does it make? All I care about is that the Q boys start writing some good music again. They've been on a downward spiral for some time and I don't see them having any fans left if they don't start writing some good material. So if they need to dig Mary up to be inspired to make some good music again, I say do it! I've been a fan from there first EP and they were always one of my favorite bands, but I've almost given up on them to be honest. Q2K, Tribe and Geoffs solo album were not very good at all (My humble opinion) so I don't want to waste another $20 on a new QR album unless it rocks my world.

I'm not sure what happens to bands after years but so many great groups seem to lose the ability to write strong material after so many years. I hope that never happens to me!:erk: Maybe it's the constant thought of "I have to re-invent myself" that waters down the writing of an artist after a while; they eventually forget what made them great in the first place...just a thought.

Mindcrime is still one of my favorite records though!

Douglas A. Ott said:
Who cares who killed her! What difference does it make? All I care about is that the Q boys start writing some good music again. They've been on a downward spiral for some time and I don't see them having any fans left if they don't start writing some good material.... Q2K, Tribe and Geoffs solo album were not very good at all (My humble opinion) so I don't want to waste another $20 on a new QR album unless it rocks my world.....

Mindcrime is still one of my favorite records though!


Nice!! - truer words, Doug. Truer words never spoken (at least in my humble opinion..)

And as far as YOU guys go, with the quality of TUG, I see no indications of any downward spiral in Enchant's future! :headbang: