So...Who Likes Strong Bad?

WOW! Finally someone who knows about Strong Bad!!

I've been watching him for months now.
Huh... you might be right... i always heard thatched roof... but it could say grass roof.... anyone else??? (this is not an arguement or "who's right"... just trying to figure some stuff out!).
jimbobhickville said:
I think he said there are 14 or 15 levels, but I wasn't there when he beat it to verify that. I only made it to level 6 :(

I think your friend is BSing you. I got up to level 20 or so, and I also know someone who claims to have gotten to level 50 and after that they start repeating. If its anything like the old school 80's atari games its supposed to be parodying, you can't beat it, it just keeps going on and on.
jimbobhickville said:
I think he said there are 14 or 15 levels, but I wasn't there when he beat it to verify that. I only made it to level 6 /forum/images/smilies/frown.gif
I just got this email from my friend:

"I have been playing this whole time.....Level 53 Score 9410 I got a phone call from a customer when I had 7 MANS left."
Jug jigga jug jigga jug jigga jug jigga JAH JAH!!!!!!!
Strong Bad kicks ass! Trogdor game kicks ass, I only made it to level 11...