Who likes Strongbad?


Oct 22, 2001
Valencia (Spain)
Ok ok i know that many of you may know of this deity of a man called Strongbad.. ( http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail.html )

I know i am a devoted pawn of whatever mischeavous scheme he will be planning for the future... ( actually the whole site rules but strongbad is the man.. ).

But well i just have to share this with you... now from this day on he will be my guide to Death Metal.


I cant stop laughing...

( sorry if it is a bit off topic i just had to... ):lol:
Dude, me and my friends haven't stopped watching that for like the last 3-4 days.

"Jugga Jigga Wugga"
"Jugga Jigga Wugga"
Get on one knee and pretend like you are holding two mystical orbs in each hand.

Oh, and another classic is the Guitar email...it's one of the first few IIRC.
Yeah the guitar one rules...jugg jigga jugg jiga jugg jigga JUH JAAAHH, and

meedley meedley meedley meedley MEEEEE!!!

Well wnough said SB is the man... i believe there isnt one mail ive sene there that i dont like.... i mean there are ones better than others but he just rule so much.....

oh chekc the one called band names it is also related..HEll yeah...... and who can forget about TROG DOR.... man as soon as i watched that one i pulled my guitar and started playing that riff until i stopped laughing...

Hav eyou ever seen the videos ( with puppets) that lay tehr eon the site? the ones with homestar jamming with some Jazz dudes those are also great..." tropical lazor beam....."..

Anyway .. im off...
Do I like Strongbad?


I have all three DVD sets they've put out...

TWO copies of Strong Bad Sings...

A Trogdor shirt...

AND a Kick The Cheat The Cheat talking plush doll!

I would have bought The Cheat Commandos figures (especially after seeing the downloadable playsets) but my wife won't let me.

We also have a bunch of stickers and a couple keychains that were sent as freebies with the orders. :D
Jim LotFP said:
Do I like Strongbad?


I have all three DVD sets they've put out...

TWO copies of Strong Bad Sings...

A Trogdor shirt...

AND a Kick The Cheat The Cheat talking plush doll!

I would have bought The Cheat Commandos figures (especially after seeing the downloadable playsets) but my wife won't let me.

We also have a bunch of stickers and a couple keychains that were sent as freebies with the orders. :D

You my sir are a devoted peasant.....:worship: good job.......( i wonder if you are on fire like a peasnt should be hmmmm :hotjump: )