So who the F is Conception??!

lady_space said:
I personally like Flow best, followed by IYM, then PM. Don't own The Last Sunset.

As for liking them and not Kamelot... actually, the guy who first introduced me to Conception doesn't care at all for Kamelot and loves Conception, so that's possible, but I don't know if that works if you don't like his vocals. To me the most similar songs of Kamelot's to Conception are The Spell and Lunar Sanctum.


I am a perfect example of that :) I don't really care for Kamleot, and I love conception...
I have a few Kamlelot CDs and enjoy some of it alright, mainly because of Khan....

Nothing really much to add to all the positive comments about Conception. They are a phenomenal band and I can't wait to see them.

All their albums (to my knowledge) are out of print, so that'd be the reason why a lot of people haven't heard of them. Not to mention that Noise isn't exactly Warner Bros.

And I had someone come into Impulse last week while I was playing IYM (my fave) and he asked if this was Queensryche. I laughed a bit and replied, "they wish". This would be the best band comparison I could make to Conception, although at times Khan reminds me of Don Dokken.

I also agree that one could not like Kamelot and like Conception. I like Kamelot but at times they are too symphonic and just not what I'd call riveting. The best K material sounds like C, IMO.

They won't blow the doors off the place as far as heaviness goes, but there aren't too many other bands I'd rather see. An amazing pick for the show!
I really agree with the Queensryche comparison, especially with the rhythm guitar styling. All about the song.

But the other one that popped into mind, was Vanden Plas! They've got that medium-speed, good-ol-fashioned ROCK that feels so good to listen to.

Man... I'm gonna enjoy some really different flavors this year.
1) Parallel Minds
2) In Your Multitude
3) The Last Sunset
3.5) Their live set on the Power of Metal cd (w/ Gamma Ray, Helicon, & Rage)
4) Flow (although 'Gethsemane' is one of my fav. Conception tunes)
For those who are looking to buy some Conception, go to Sentinel Steel. The address is That's where I get my obscure stuff. I'm surprised that it's not mentioned on this forum. Denis Gulbey runs the store, and it has the most extensive selection of progressive and power metal that I have ever seen. He sells used as well as new stuff. At the present time, he's selling "In Your Multitude" for $14.88, and he has at least one used copy of "Flow" for $9.88. There's a flat shipping rate for all orders, so order away, and tell them that Albert sent you! If I would reccommend an album by Conception, it would be "Parallel Minds." I may be partial to that one, though, because that was the album that turned me onto them. "Flow" is awesome, too, but for very different reasons. I pretty much agree with Glenn that "In Your Multitude" is interchangeable with "Parallel Minds," but I think that the latter has a little more punch to it. "The Last Sunset" is really good, but you can definitely tell that they were just starting out at that point. However, I have to point out that Tore Ostby had only one year of experience on guitar prior to recording that album. Not too shabby at all.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Met-Al said:
For those who are looking to buy some Conception, go to Sentinel Steel. The address is That's where I get my obscure stuff. I'm surprised that it's not mentioned on this forum. Denis Gulbey runs the store, and it has the most extensive selection of progressive and power metal that I have ever seen. He sells used as well as new stuff. At the present time, he's selling "In Your Multitude" for $14.88, and he has at least one used copy of "Flow" for $9.88. There's a flat shipping rate for all orders, so order away, and tell them that Albert sent you! If I would reccommend an album by Conception, it would be "Parallel Minds." I may be partial to that one, though, because that was the album that turned me onto them. "Flow" is awesome, too, but for very different reasons. I pretty much agree with Glenn that "In Your Multitude" is interchangeable with "Parallel Minds," but I think that the latter has a little more punch to it. "The Last Sunset" is really good, but you can definitely tell that they were just starting out at that point. However, I have to point out that Tore Ostby had only one year of experience on guitar prior to recording that album. Not too shabby at all.

Stay metal. Never rust.

Very impressive selection in his clearance and sale selections...a lot of bands that are regularly talked up in this forum...

I will have to give them a try...thanks for the recommendation.

Rock on!
Parallel Minds is by far their best release imo. You just can't top Roll With Fire; one of the sickest guitar riffs ever!!! I can't fuckin wait till September! As much as i bitch and make comments, I can't imagine anything better than the hour and a half watching conception on the PP stage; well i can think of a few things better....
nightwish58 said:
As much as i bitch and make comments, I can't imagine anything better than the hour and a half watching conception on the PP stage; well i can think of a few things better....
...yeah, 2 hours of Conception... :grin:
I'm late to the party....

In Your Multitude, In Your Multitude, In Your Multitude, In Your Multitude, <repeat>

I consider this album the same way I think of ARK's "Burn the Sun". Very magical album, hard to compare to anyone else, and timeless.
"In Your Multitude" is the best prog/power album ever IMO. I can't describe its greatness, it's just more than awesome. Pure genious.

How I wish I could be there to see Conception, my favourite band ever...
Come to think of it, I'll be in Europe next week... I'll mae it a point to visit some CD shops and see what I can find. If I see any Conception, I'll buy up all their copies and come back here and distribute them. :D

JayKeeley said:

OK so I've heard of them before, mostly around these parts, but other than noticing they feature the brilliant Tore Ostby (Ark's "Burn the Sun" seems to be stuck in my car stereo these days), where should a n00b like me start?

Rank the following in order:

In your Magnitude
The Last Sunset
Parallel Minds

Are they all ultra-rare hard to find CDs?


P.S. If one doesn't much like the vocals of Roy Khan with Kamelot, does one still have a shot at liking Conception?

I think in your Multitude and Parallel Minds are pretty equally good. Flow is then different and just as good but different. If your not yet a fan you may want to wait before getting the Last Sunset, especially if your not a Khan fan. The other side of Conception is Tore, who is probably very underated, especially if you consider the complexity of their cds and how young they were as a band. One of my favorite "progressive" bands. :hotjump: :rock:
guardian26 said:
Alright, so where can we get these CD's?? Cmon vendors, someone gotta have it for less than $40.

A friend of mine lost my Flow cd awhile back and I never replaced it because I had some of the tracks on a compilation I had made. But now I just reordered it. I mean what's $30 for Flow. Especially if I get it autographed!!! :loco: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
MetalSeamstress said:
Hello I am a fairly new poster, mainly lurker, you all are great people.

I just received the Century Media catalog, and noticed Conception cds for $12 and they list all four cds. I found parallel minds and last sunset about six years ago vacationing in Europe. I neeeed the other two though.


I've found that CM has tons of items listed that they don't have in stock, and many of them are no longer available and will never be in stock until re-released. It's that way with virtually every online store, so don't blow a glee gasket til you receive the order. :loco: