For those who are looking to buy some Conception, go to Sentinel Steel. The address is That's where I get my obscure stuff. I'm surprised that it's not mentioned on this forum. Denis Gulbey runs the store, and it has the most extensive selection of progressive and power metal that I have ever seen. He sells used as well as new stuff. At the present time, he's selling "In Your Multitude" for $14.88, and he has at least one used copy of "Flow" for $9.88. There's a flat shipping rate for all orders, so order away, and tell them that Albert sent you! If I would reccommend an album by Conception, it would be "Parallel Minds." I may be partial to that one, though, because that was the album that turned me onto them. "Flow" is awesome, too, but for very different reasons. I pretty much agree with Glenn that "In Your Multitude" is interchangeable with "Parallel Minds," but I think that the latter has a little more punch to it. "The Last Sunset" is really good, but you can definitely tell that they were just starting out at that point. However, I have to point out that Tore Ostby had only one year of experience on guitar prior to recording that album. Not too shabby at all.
Stay metal. Never rust.