So who wants to be on Wife Swap?


Metal Lover in Ohio
May 9, 2006
Toledo, Ohio

Rachelle Mendez, a casting producer for ABC Television's hit reality show "Wife Swap", has sent the following message to BLABBERMOUTH.NET:

"I'm conducting a national casting search to find metal fans to feature on the current season of our show, and am contacting you in hopes of discussing the possibility of working together to find a family who we can consider casting.

"'Wife Swap' is a family show on ABC primetime. The premise is simple: two moms from two very different families get the opportunity to swap lives (but not bedrooms — everyone has their own!) for a week to experience what it's like to live a different lifestyle — and to see what they can teach each other about their own lifestyle!

"We want to feature a family of longtime metal fans (death, black, thrash, speed, etc.) in hopes of shattering any common misconceptions of what family life for metalheads might be like! We encourage all families, the bolder and more adventurous the better, with two parents at home and school-aged children (6-17) to apply immediately. The family can belong to any aspect of the metal community — as fans, promoter, band members — it really makes no difference, as long as the family is genuinely passionate about metal.

"Maybe you know of a family or have a family yourself with made for TV personalities that you would be willing to recommend. I would greatly appreciate you forwarding my information on to any of your family members, friends, and associates who might be interested in sharing their lives with us for a week! In addition, each family that tapes an episode of 'Wife Swap' receives a financial honorarium for their time. Anyone who refers a family that appears on our program receives a finder's fee."

If you have any questions, or to apply, send an e-mail to:

They say they want to "shatter the misconceptions", but I think it will come across as being portrayed as "weird"....depending who it is of course, but they always go for the extreme types for these shows.
I'm just curious who they're going to swap them with. I'm imagining some ultra conservative right wing christian (possibly southern baptist). Which would make it really cool if it was someone who listened to a lot of christian thrash metal.
Hmm...this could be really cool, or a complete disaster. I don't think there will be any in-between.

My wife records the show every week so I've seen way more than I would ever admit to people that I actually know. It will probably be a country family or some upper class family that only listens to classical. It will start out a disaster but will all work out in the end as both families learn valuable lessons.:puke:

I'm growing to hate DVR.
Lance King, I'm looking at you!!!

Oh Man!!!!! That would be the perfect family, Lance and his family in real life are one of the nicest, and most gracious families i have ever met, and I love them to death. They would be a perfect family for the show. Another would be ZOD, and Mrs. ZOD, Or Colleen and Todd, we have a lot of families that would fit the bill, and would show not only the metal family, but also show that we are just ordinary people with a taste for the finer music out there.

Nope i won't do it with my family, cause my better half is into the country scene, and although she does like some of my music(Lance KIng, Circus Maximus, John West) she really doesn't listen to it all that much.
Oh Man!!!!! That would be the perfect family, Lance and his family in real life are one of the nicest, and most gracious families i have ever met, and I love them to death. They would be a perfect family for the show. Another would be ZOD, and Mrs. ZOD, Or Colleen and Todd, we have a lot of families that would fit the bill, and would show not only the metal family, but also show that we are just ordinary people with a taste for the finer music out there.

And don't forget Shaye and Urban Breed and our very own Fearless Leader. It might be a good way for Glenn to promote PPUSA.

Btw Glenn, if you do end up on the show, I get 30% of the winnings for coming up with the idea. :lol:

And don't forget Shaye and Urban Breed and our very own Fearless Leader. It might be a good way for Glenn to promote PPUSA.

Btw Glenn, if you do end up on the show, I get 30% of the winnings for coming up with the idea. :lol:


Opps yeah i did forget Shaye and Urban and Glenn and family. Now that would be the best to see either of those two on there. What do you say Glenn and Shaye? Go for it guys do us proud.:headbang: :headbang:
Oh Man!!!!! That would be the perfect family, Lance and his family in real life are one of the nicest, and most gracious families i have ever met, and I love them to death. They would be a perfect family for the show. Another would be ZOD, and Mrs. ZOD, Or Colleen and Todd, we have a lot of families that would fit the bill, and would show not only the metal family, but also show that we are just ordinary people with a taste for the finer music out there.

That's really not what they're looking for. They look for freakshow parents, who are either very controlling of their kids (they HAVE to have kids), or who let them run rampant and do whatever they want, or are just plain psycho and force weird shit upon their families. I saw the episode where they had the "punk rawk" family, and I can only guess that they'd be looking for a similar family -- one who goes to shows together (even the kids), gets decked out in spikes, leather and corpsepaint (even the kids), and will jump in the mosh pit together (even the kids). They don't DO "ordinary" on Wife Swap.
That's really not what they're looking for. They look for freakshow parents, who are either very controlling of their kids (they HAVE to have kids), or who let them run rampant and do whatever they want, or are just plain psycho and force weird shit upon their families. I saw the episode where they had the "punk rawk" family, and I can only guess that they'd be looking for a similar family -- one who goes to shows together (even the kids), gets decked out in spikes, leather and corpsepaint (even the kids), and will jump in the mosh pit together (even the kids). They don't DO "ordinary" on Wife Swap.
Yea, that's why I hate these so-called "reality" shows. There's nothing real about them. The producers just look for the most extreme of a stereotype, play 'em out to be freaks that somehow come to peace and understanding in the end. Nothing like real life at all.

Would be fun to see some "real" metallers like those in our ProgPower family, but we're not extreme enough, I bet. :headbang: A litte too real. :cool:
Yea, that's why I hate these so-called "reality" shows. There's nothing real about them. The producers just look for the most extreme of a stereotype, play 'em out to be freaks that somehow come to peace and understanding in the end. Nothing like real life at all.

Would be fun to see some "real" metallers like those in our ProgPower family, but we're not extreme enough, I bet. :headbang: A litte too real. :cool:

Unfortunately, I have a feeling that a show like this would be a clusterfuck of the highest degree. Instead of picking cool people like us, they'll end up showcasing the dumbest, weirdest goofballs they can find. It'll be like the redneck mullet family with a shirtless, toothless, drunk dad and the four-hundred-pound mullet mom who likes to wear leather bras. And the kids will be wild little mullet monsters with food stains on their Ratt t-shirts. :lol:

They don't want to shatter misconceptions, they want to exploit personalities.

'a family with made for TV personalities'

Made for TV personality translates to crazy, arrogant, stupid or strange people with a short fuse that thrive on conflict.
... Yeah.... I kinda don't have a wife. Sorry I didn't tell you about it before you signed me up to do the show, ABC... but.. yeah. I DO have lots of Doritos I am willing to swap for someone's wife, however. eh? :p
Oh Man!!!!! That would be the perfect family, Lance and his family in real life are one of the nicest, and most gracious families i have ever met, and I love them to death. They would be a perfect family for the show. Another would be ZOD, and Mrs. ZOD, Or Colleen and Todd, we have a lot of families that would fit the bill, and would show not only the metal family, but also show that we are just ordinary people with a taste for the finer music out there.
I'd be willing to swap wives, but only if the other couple were lesbian porn stars.

What if they told you in advance the wife you would be getting was none other than the infamous "God Warrior"? Very, Very scary !!


That was Trading Spouses and she's coming back this season! YAAHHAHAHAHAHA! UNGODLY!

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